Arabs in wow (Wastewanders)

he is specifically asking for positive representation based on real world stuff. I don’t want positive or negative representation of modern day UK culture - i don’t want any representation of that culture in a fantasy game set on an alien world with talking cows, zombies, foxes and dragons.

Its okay to not have modern real world politics and cultures in a game.


I’m asking for better representation of the Wastewanders. Not real world stuff.

Add a few children NPC’s
Add a merchant that sells oriental inspired cosmetic robes/dresses with a fantasy twist.

These two suggestions would make the Wastewanders better, and above all else continue the neutrality road they’ve been doing since BFA. That’s all I want for the wastewander.

And I have mentioned it multiple times. If Wastewanders are represented better, even in a fantasy game, it would make middle eastern gamers happy.

This is the last time I repeat myself


If we start to make our align our fantasy inspirations. To become representations of the real world too much… Everything stops being a fantasy in the end.

Wouldn’t you agree that there is representation in inspiration anyway? While keeping our world a fantasy too?

My friend the line here is thin before things become political…

I am a little confused. Where you draw the difference between inspiration and representation is.


Knowing Blizzard they would use “Little Britain” as their inspiration, in fact, they probably did to get the Kul Tiran accents… :thinking: “not a reindeer are ya?”


post edited.

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I feel like I have missed several points by lightyears here… And this whole thread is a confused mess. Or is it just me?

This thread needs a clarification and a reset button.

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Stop liking my post Caclop. Its been a year by now!! Go away!! You got your Tauren Rogue! What more do you want!!

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The thread isn’t confused. Some people just get triggered by any mention of the Middle East in a positive light.

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Afraid to ask… But witch do I fall under by now?


You make it sound like the Kul Tirans aren’t the ultimate expression of being English.

Well yer not, right?

Yeah Anizah has been pretty consistent and clear about his suggestions.


post edited.


But it’s never that. Because humans relate to human things; so we put them into everything; even weird alien worlds or, yep, fantasy.


Double deleted post? Aw man. I missed an epic Skully meltdown didn’t I :frowning:

What caused it though I wonder, only one Frizzle post and it didn’t have a meme.

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Fine… I temporary revive.

Five minutes before my anxt kills it again!


Log off and make yourself a turkey sandwich. Your anxiety will disappear.

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Don’t worry, my psychic powers tell me that there will be some far more entertaining melt downs hitting the forums in the coming days :crystal_ball: :grimacing:

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Your divination magic sucks. And your wrong

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My psychic powers are never wrong dear little vulpera! For my crystal ball tells me that you will make error in judgement after gulping too much fire and spend much time making amends upon a long journey :crystal_ball:

I have made my amends!! At least I think I have… I havent offended or crossed anyone in at least a few months! …The fire stuff is work in progress… But good progress!

Get out of my head!! /Cast Scryer cancelling spell!

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Don’t think he took your advice. Which is a shame. Turkey is amazing.