Nah, it’s a certain forum contributor that’s thicker than an asphalt milkshake. Has such pearls of wisdom as 94,6% of developers being horde players and potatoes not being tomatoes.
There are always exceptions to the rule
Name him. Else its me xD I don’t do this gaslight inuedo Coward talk over peoples heads.
You got a problem with someone say it.
Pfft. I don’t get baited into naming & shaming. The word editing and quotes should be enough. Unless you’re also a human paladin making those same airheaded claims.
You know, you don’t have to be the main character in every story right? Pushing yourself in and trying to be just makes you look like a narcissist and you know full well that naming and shaming isn’t allowed.
I know who he means, he knew who I was referring to when I said “male human paladins” and 99.9% of general discussion knows who it means.
Just freaking why? why do you do this when that person is not even here? Do you feel cool or included or something? Good god I hate you all.
Your a hats thats what. Say it to whoever this paladins face is.
Or take it to your own private discords. Who I know you already share your crap talk already.
Shame, because I actually really like you…
Right now! Not the time Afenton!
Already have… It was part of the prenup I made him sign when I also made him promise to not delete all my blood elf mains
what private discord? It’s all a lie!!
don’t play coy!! You have to sign a prenup too though! To never make aspersions about non existent private discords ever again!!
You know what I mean… The context of your replies and when they happend.
They where about me… Not this make belief fairy tale paladin you fend off with.
He would be so upset you think he’s make believe! People screenshot selfies with him in game because he is just that famous :joy*
In fact, I thought I saw him at the community soup the other week, I nearly fainted with fangurllyness before realising it was just some random dude with the same name.
And you think he’s make believe just because you have to be the main character in every story!!
Fine whatever… Your paladin dudu is real. And he isn’t me… lets say we all believe that. Despite the context and this thread entirely and the replies and everything.
I really want to believe I am wrong and just believes everyone is about me.
But you really didn’t make it look like it wasn’t.
As much as I’m glad you all are bumping the thread so that there will be a higher chance of Blizzard seeing it, and perhaps taking the suggestion into consideration. It is not the place to fight and argue.
Nothing is wrong with the thread itself. They even tried to mass flag it to take it down, and that didn’t work as the mods restored the thread. The replies on the other hand…… yeah it’s problematic.
It isn’t you. Trust me.
No, I would have asked for an autograph if I saw him!
When they reply right next to me. About this paladin dudu… Am I the only one who subjectivly things context matters in our replies?
Fine whatver. It wasn’t me. I still think it was and it was rude. But whatever.
I am a human now. And everything I say suddenly weighs 10x times more.
go out, touch some grass, it’s a video game
Words make ye confused, eh?
Tbh i would rather they just changed the characters names than drag them back up to force a narrative.
Theyre not really meant to be representation. Just inspired from a historic culture.
There are lots of cultural influences ranging from small nods to full on races like trolls and vulpera.
But none of the influences drive the story.
At this point theyre old and outdated content.
And id rather they just be scrapped all together than the game force a positive narrative and story their way when they are otherwise forgotten.
If we ever go back there for a third time and blizzard wants a friendly faction to interact with, then of course they shouldnt be off the table.
But i dont want us to go back there just to make them a friendly group to interact with.
I guess basically, if it ever comes up naturally in the direction the game would naturally take, then sure sounds good.
But otherwise, it shouldnt happen.
I do really think it would be useful to remember that Azeroth is not Earth. Just because there are bad “Arabs” in the game doesn’t mean there’s any statement on Arabs. There are more Arabian themes, too - and incidentally they’re part of the new M+ season.
Simply, Arabs are represented mainly through a fantasy race. Same as the Chinese.