Arathor Alliance Reconnections

Haha It’s okay - if you dont remember it was from the extended dragqueen contest MH held xD lets just forget that. Nah Shazzrah is the place. We are a few who are starting horde :o) But yea I was so young I’m first starting to lose mine now!

Wait what, I have done a drag queen contest? Like dah f* lol. Nem??? You not sure you mixing MH with Mystical Odour

  • My guild will be on Shazzrah Horde also

I’m pretty sure^^ But it was such a long time ago. I’ll see if i can find the forum post.

And awesome!

Hey there to all Arathorians and specially those from The Black Rose!

I played Morgiah human mage and you might actually recall me for my constant yapping about undead fish army, ice blocking when pulling ahead of Miranda and Grock, tech pack tanking in BWL and jumping all around IF.

And I already recall Khandira, Nightselene and Aval!

(And nothing better than to accidentally delete my first post) :slight_smile:

Hi Mike, Lukesky(Pally) here, what server are you and the gang from BoS going for?

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Dukrun, Dwarf Warrior, Mythical Honour.


This thread alone is energizing me with nostalgia. I was 24/7 in Ironforge PVPing and we had the (i think) server first on Ragnaros.

For some nostalgia stuff:

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No duk, we lost with a couple of min from Umbrage, we than one shotted Onyxia as they been working on that to revenge the rag kill and get ony first :slight_smile:

Right, Onyxia was the server first. Good times :-)!

Anyone remember Thork, the Dwarf Paladin? I really want to speak with him!

Hey buddy, happy to see you. Mirage Raceway will be where we reroll into the past.

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hi i was Shadd

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Btw if you see me online in the game Vidi (curse of years ) or on this toon , add me, and il add you to our bos social channel ;).

Yeeee, i remember you! Nothing specific tho, sorry :< Oh damn, i swapped my shown character. I’m luina from above

Any Lightning Strikes Twice vets still lurking around here?

hey , my old pvp alt Frozenlady was in Dirty Danes shortly , some of them that still play are on terokkar server now in the guild called Den Danske Guild , but just yesterday there was talk about remaking the guild on a classic realm and Thejackel i knew very well, we lvled up when he was in Wings of Elune, this was before he joined TBR , i havent seen him since wotlk

Marash here, used to play in Fuzzy logic/Lost Templars. Would be good to see Barnswa/Nicnic/Seradin/Gamu and all the old gang! Rogue LFG who knows how to sap! ;D

Hey, my character name was Anghish a Human-Paladin! I used to play in a guild called Battle Lords of Azeroth and later in the Fallen Lords!
Lot’s of familiar names here!

Darkcanon - night elf druid :stuck_out_tongue: i remember meeting another druid by the name of animalpatrol

Awww! Hello Nem-San!!! <3 it would be great to play again!

what servers are you going to? I have 2 on Mirage Raceway and one on Shazzrah

Hahaha Nonsense!! where would Arathor be without you :stuck_out_tongue: hope you’re well!

Hi Ishy,

Heather here :slight_smile: I was hoping you’d reply to this thread as I’d like to get back in touch with you. I’m probably not going to be playing much classic so let me know if you want to catch up my battlenet id is Lioness#21804