Arathor Alliance Reconnections

hey all there is a discord channel called Old Arathorians ,i would have linked an invite , but not allowed here, come and see if some of your old friends or guildies are there

Oi Ayeme! Brutal god thats a long time ago how are you guys?

Woah, all the nostalgic feels, so many familiar names!
Eleclya, night elf hunter here. :wave:
I’ve been in a few guilds during the classic, like Uj Remeny, Death Wish and Mythical Honour.
I also played Skadhi (night elf warrior) and Áfonya (human priest).

Rivett here Warriors of the Heart.
I remember being under geared and over healed =) Love to my healers and the whole of WOTH. Especially those who sadly are no longer with us.
Gonna be on Raceway with the usual close friends to see if we can remember how to play and more importantly how to have fun.
See you all soon and ofc you are ALL welcome to come and laugh at the old guy again^.

New guild is called WOTH


@Nightselene and @Insektum , dayum. Never thought I would find familiar faces like this! I’ll sadly play Alliance on Mirage Raceway with my current guild, but it’s awesome just knowing that you are still out there.

I remember Firthgirl now as well. Have a really fond memory spending new years eve outside Ironforge with you guys.

I hope you’re all alive and well. Even if I didn’t remember all your character names, I’ve thought about you now and again.

I’m pretty sure I remember Majik too. She was like the realm-mother if she’s the one I think off.

Indeed I am, going to Pyrewood Village, as there will be most of my friends from all the time since vanilla. Can’t convince them to join Mirage :-/

Used to play on Arathor Paladin named Zezeze in the guild Norwegian Titans <3

Blast from the past.
A few of us are coming back to try classic, joining Pyrewood.

All ex Warriors of the Heart, so far we have me Mart, Thoras, Shadowalker, Zare, Garg, Spahawk, Bol, Rinona, waiting on some replies for a few other.

See you out their maybe :slight_smile:

p.s. Root, you owe everyone 500g…


Hi all! Originally played a Male Human Paladin called “Mentula” and mained a Female Gnome Warlock called “Minimali”.
Our guild’s name was “Reverence”. I remember that eventually a lot of characters moved to “Wildhammer” when the free migration was open.

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You coming back? Rogina coming back too?

I’m probably playing some, but just casual. :stuck_out_tongue: Rogina said he might play, but I’m not sure. You?

Rogina, human rogue.

Was in Nature’s Wrath for most of vanilla.

I’m probably coming back.

Seems we are a couple here looking for toad

Online, at last


hi Hawkon its Kc we r stating a guild on Mirage raceway my son illi who is now 30 (God ham i getting old) will be GM riv’s comeing back to tank all old wothies are welcome. i’ll be playing a mage this time name lexar so it’s frost-bolt frost-bolt frost-bolt
p.s. Root, were is my 500g…

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Hey! Where can I find the social channel?

I remember you nem! You were always kind

Hey Towelie!
Sort of. Wont be playing Ally if i play Classic though.
