Are there actual wpvp guilds left?

As the title says are there any actual guilds left in EU that focus on world PvP and on which realms? Which is the go-to realm for this type of content? EU’s PvP forums compared to NA’s seem barren and dead.

Check out The Scarlet Scourge on Ravencrest.

My own two guilds ADF and HDF do WPvP, but it’s not the focus. So I’m thinking of creating my third guild as a dedicated WPvP guild or helping someone else do it: The guild would be Alliance and on Ravencrest, based on the model of The Scarlet Scourge. They are WPvP focused, have a guild mog, and they’d love an Alliance enemy guild. The idea is then to stimulate more WPvP guilds on that realm. Name of guild is up for discussion. If anyone interested let me know.

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Looks based. Will check it out. So I’m guessing Ravencrest is the place to be.

Go for it! Well, seems like Ravencrest has potential, need more WPvPers to get in there! :slight_smile:

why do you think RC has potential? Any reason?

Mainly because The Scarlet Scourge has gotten things started there, and the GM is keen to encourage more WPvP guilds to form and has offered to help get things going. That’s a seed of a WPvP community right there. If I was gonna create a WPvP guild, I’d do it on Ravencrest, and be part of that community, rather than standalone.

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Thanks for your reply.

Today myself i’ve been searching for a decent populated server to go ally and RC was one of my conclusions just based off of stats.
I think you may be right, guess ill level there in pre patch and see how it goes.

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Made a nelf only WPvP guild on Ravencrest. Gonna make a belf one based on the nelf one too.

night elf - :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Nelf is best elf!

All pointy eared leaf lickers are just orc bait!

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