Are they killing playing multiple specs?

In theory one soulbind NPC will be DPS oriented, the other one tanking and the third one healing/utility. In practice it likely won’t like up that well if you will have good build for each spec not to mention melee vs DPS casters or a healer with raid and M+ different conduit needs.

First came the rumous, I didn’t speak out

Then came the α, I didn’t speak out.

Then came the β , I didn’t speak out.

Then came the ptr, I didn’t speak out.

Then came a 60€ expansion, I bought it and didn’t speak out.

Those who did “speak out” were banned and censored.

It’s time for the blizz shills to stop defending the undefendable. And for the current leadership to accept its bad design is a mistake and fix it asap.
This happens by either two ways: replacement or intervention from higher ups (stock holders) to force the current lead dev to get on with making wow GREAT. not just “barely good”


That means more timegating, so no.

I think Anna meant no time gating

At highest possible arena rank and mythic world first race yes.

At everything else no you can absolutely play multiple specs. A spec isnt dead because its 1٪ less optimal than it could be

As ridiculous as it might be, 1% is enough for many…

I do not think that I will be personally affected if it is just 1% but people who do not have a guild like mine who is fine if you are just properly enchanted and gemed could be in for a bad time.

Id argue they are killing multispec, not shadowlands

I mean did you people really fool yourselves into thinking Shadowlands would be good?


this is the best moment to be negative. Especially when you have legit reasons to be worried


This is very interesting to analyze.

My theory, they give something, than they introduce something that makes it useless after, which begs the question:
Why giving it in the 1st place ?

A few examples:

  • Bag space: We now have more bag space than ever. They introduced more stuff to carry on your bags. My Legion Hunter has her bank flooded with stuff from Legion.
    I really need to finish that expansion …
    People complained that they were getting way too much trash drop in Mechagon, which made them having to go back to sell it.

  • Fast mounts are ridable since the beginning, unlike vanilla were you had to progress by foot at low level than you would get a 40% mount.
    They made the mobs numbers outside more dense in numbers so you are dismounted more often. Example: Argus and Nazjstar.

  • In Vanilla you couldn’t fly, they introduced it in TBC.
    Currently you have to go through a huge checklist of Pathfinder one and two to be able to fly, not to mention people complained about flying worms that would attack you when they were trying to do their dailies.

  • Gear drops: I’ve had so much gear drop in BFA that was vendor quality.
    Now it seems they are reducing the drop rate.
    Ok. How about not having so much trash gear and having it drop in the right amount for the spec you play ?
    In example: not getting too many duplicates of the same item ?
    Nope. People would finish the game too soon, apparently …

Makes me remind of the monkey story.
The monkey asked his Zoo keeper to increase the bananas he was eating.
So the keeper did this:

  • 1st the monkey had 3 meals: 1 banana at breakfast, 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner.

The keeper changed it to:

  • 1 banana on the breakfast, 2 on the lunch, 1 for after lunch and 1 for dinner.

The monkey complains again and the keeper changed it to:

  • 1 banana at breakfast, 1 banana for lunch, 1 after lunch, 1 for dinner and 1 after dinner.

No matter what changes the Zoo keeper introduced, he was always getting 5 bananas. :frowning_face:

How does this translates in to WoW ?
They have this vision of a massive grinding game with no flying and people only bind to one spec.

This reminds me of going back to vanilla.

  • Want a alt ?
    Sink massive time in it.
  • Want to change spec ?
    Sink massive gold quantities.
  • Want to fly ?
    Sink massive amounts of time or just stay grounded.
  • Want to ride fast ?
    Can’t have that.
    The mobs dismount or dazzle you.
  • Want to be Overpowered ?
    Sink massive amounts of time.
    Btw the mobs scale with your level and your ILV.
    I am curious if will be back to have the situation we had in BFA when a level 111 was actually stronger than a player with higher level.


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Can you really kill something which is already dead?

If anything, BFA killed having multiple specs by making it mandatory to have full off-spec gear sets in bags with the correct corruption and essences too.

The question is: Are they reviving playing multiple specs in Shadowlands?

Judging from the Alpha and current Beta builds? Eeeeehr… :frowning:

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as i play quite a lot with my shamam (especially as i do most content with enh but raid with resto) i can see the problem many players that like to change specs in different content may face. especially if the specs main stats differ - you either have to loot 2x items or play with equipment from the other spec (it took me few months to get weapons and trinkets for my enh). its really disappointing and disheartening as i love playing shaman :frowning:

Mechagon is a good example of the bag example also…so much junk there. Literally

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So… they are reducing the number of tanks and healers.

I don’t know, I don’t see a good outcome any way I look at it.


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