[Argent Dawn] Join us for <All of the Above>!

Why struggle to do it all alone when your buddies can have your back?

<All of the Above!>

We’re a small but inspired international guild based on Argent Dawn (EU) (open to cross-realm, too), one of the most vibrant servers in Retail WoW!

Our primary goal in the game is to get to know new and interesting individuals — then to jump into increasingly complex content together. People are #1!

Raid Schedule and Goals

Our typical playtime is Central European (19-22 CET or ST).
For the beginning of TWW Season 1, our raid times are:

  • Wednesday 19-22 ST — PvE Night (Raids)
  • Thursday 19-22 ST — PvE Night (Raids)

Our goals are as follows:

Clear Normal → Curve Heroic → Keystone Hero → Onwards


We’re open for fun individuals interested in all areas of the game.

For raids:

Offspec Tanks :fire::fire::fire:
Melee DPS
Ranged DPS :fire:

Also recruiting people interested in:

  • Completionism – achievement and transmog hunting
  • Pet battling (including sharing rare wisdom and pet strategies)
  • Raiding – all difficulties are on the table
  • PvP – rated and open-world
  • M+ dungeoneering and key pushing
  • Role-play on AD (EU)

Most of all, we intend to be a place where people can become friends inside and outside the game, while collecting things together. We also have social movie nights!

Contact on Discord: ludologic

If you’re interested, add me and we’ll have a chat.


We are still open and recruiting anyone who is looking for friends to do content with, or discuss the differences between Greek and Turkish wrestling!

The guild has grown, we’ve begun raiding in Heroic on Wednesdays and having adventure RP on Thursdays!

We’re open to more recruits! :>

With the start of TWW we will be moving on to 2 raid nights a week for the beginning of S1.

We will be raiding Wednesdays & Thursdays 19 - 22 server time, and our priorities are to clear Normal > clear Heroic > Get KSH

We are currently open to recruits of any role and class, or just social members who want to hang and do more chill content!

Added you as Hyperkinetic, lets talk :smiley:

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We’re gearing up to enter raids with the start of TWW Season 1. Our raid squad currently needs:

  • Offspec Tanks :fire::fire::fire:
  • Melee DPS
  • Ranged DPS :fire:
  • Healers