Argent Dawn - LF very friendly and patient guild

Hello there,
Its been a very long time since I’ve been in a Guild on this game and I thought, with shadowlands right around the corner, now was a good a time as any to dip a toe into the guild pool.
I am very shy, just throwing that out there right away, and I get very nervous jumping into most group content on my own so most of my time in game is spent on things I can do solo. I’m looking for a friendly bunch of people who I can join in content with and be a helpful and social player - I’m not going to lie, the idea of raiding isn’t my kind of thing, neither am I able to commit to that kind of timing as I have a 1.5 year old, so rest assured, I’m not looking to have my hand held in the big girl content :slight_smile: I just want to be able to do some dungeons without the ridiculous amounts of anxiety I get the minute I press to join the random queue and the leave it seconds after. Id also just like to have a bit of an in game family and make some friends as I’ve been a solo player for probably too long now. I’m always willing to help out, I like to be useful!
I main a Hunter, I have a Druid as my go to alt, but I also have a gaggle of other characters I’ve levelled over the years.

If you think you might have a guild that has a place for me, Id love to hear from you - I promise I’m not completely useless :stuck_out_tongue:
Thank you all for your time and for reading my message.


Hi Ravenly,

Our guild Braveheart is on Argent Dawn and I think we have what you’re looking for! Our main objectives are to have fun (top priority!), make friends and do a little bit of content along the way - we often spend time chatting and occasionally form groups to do M+ (all newbie friendly and chilled) and some other things, like we do transmog/mount runs often if you’re into collecting.

Check out our recruitment thread is here for more information and if you want to know anything else, send me a whisper in-game (I’m sometimes on alts so may not be on this character but I’m usually online) or add me on (Hystericxl#2226) or discord (Hystericxl#3376) and we can chat a bit more! :blush: