Arms vs Fury

I had success with Venthyr and Kyrian Arms in Dungs. Both doing more than 4k overall while my best runs beeing around 4.7k. Kyrian just feels way better on big pulls while Condemn just bangs on 1-4 Targets.

Personal taste. To me, Fury simply doesn’t feel right. I mean, you have 2 large 2handers, but you are waving them fast like toothpicks? It should be all big slow massive hits, not like rogue.

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Arms for higher numbers, fury for fun

I like both. I do more damage with arms but I have way better survivability with fury plus some times better aoe dmg

Arms is soo much fun right now. The amount of utility and buttons doing damage when you press them feels almost like the old day’s before Blizzard started taking our toys away.

I wish I could just smash bg’s to level because I’m having so much fun, but gotta play the story on first character.

I’d rather have no fury than to be armless

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