I never said it’s insane, but the only times people don’t go all crazy about a class’s damage output is when they’re designed like glass cannons, and then there are strong glass cannons and weak glass cannons. Meaning the damage is high, but not oneshot-high, and the defensive part of the design is weak.
Hence if survivability is increased for arms warrs, then what do you think would become popular all of a sudden? Only thing holding them back right now, is the survivability, as people keep pointing out as the weakness of arms warrs.
Not as a straight 1=1 trade though. Arms wouldn’t be as popular as fury if fury gets nerfed, since people would likely lack tolerance for the lack of survivability. But if arms gets the survivability buffed so it becomes better than fury at that with nothing else changed, then you’d see people switching from fury to arms even without a nerf on fury.
I don’t see an issue with this tbh. Arms’ damage isn’t a problem. Not because of the spec’s survivability but because it is not that high. Its survivability is weak on the other hand and I can’t see a reason why it can’t be as good as other specs that do the same amount of pressure.
Balance supposed to mean that.
That’s why I’m not saying damage should be nerfed in other areas. But only buffing survivability without touching anything else, then arms would have strong anti-mobility, mobility, damage, and survivability. So trading the removal of spear, for increased survivability, keeps it balanced.
Although, that execute damage will become a problem once set bonuses kicks in.
Those are the people that finally got rating for the first time and don’t want to hear it’s not because they got insane players overnight but because their specc is just giga broken.
Just look at all the inflated egos of SL RMP players.
It’s so funny to me how people always bash lock players. I don’t think there’s any other class whose opinions just consistently gets invalidated cause ‘lol says the warlock’
Sometimes, lack of exp can be an explanation why someone doesn’t realise something. Like, a person with literally 0 exp and have never played the game wouldn’t understand the difference in value between interrupting 1 thing over another, without first a very long explanation.
While that’s an extreme example, unless it’s an argument that comes down to such clear differences, then your argument in itself is probably a bit too weak if it can be dismissed by attacking your exp.
A good argument can hold its own ground on its own merit.