[ASAP] Azeroth Salvaging and Procurement - Seeking Out Curiosities - Recruiting

Administrative Office Announcement (AOA):

Gatherings of professional organisations, as well as individuals members of the Horde and Alliance were requested to gather within a limited location of Dalaran City. Hosted by Mr. Moonblaze, we were granted a meeting with a representant of the Shado-Pan, sharing current information with us about an issue that they need assistance with on Pandaria.

Members of the Mogu population of Pandaria have proven to still be a threat for the people of Pandaria, as well as the shipping and business routes for the Horde and Alliance.

Mr. Freeclaw, the Shado-Pan representant, granted us the opportunity to get informed, as well as assign a few members of the gather to their tasks for the soon to be arrival at Pandaria.

Mr. Meltherne has offered to take over management of the camp.
Mr. Verithas is to be head of the medical facilities.
Mr. Kemuro is to handle hostile interactions.
Mr. Crawder are the leading commander of this deployment.
And I, Director Jeremy S. Lochton, will be operating with the supplies and procurement, as well as management of unconventional tasks.

We at Alliance Salvaging And Procurement were pleased to see the gathering of individuals and organisations willing to assist in the current event.

Note of Transportation: Alliance Salvaging And Procurement are to request a vessel under our current contract of shipping from Stormwind City. Members of the public municipality are to be granted hire first by the code of civil rights within Stormwind City, and if labour is lacking, we will form a request to hire from outside the city.

Note of Inventory: ASAP are to utilise the current given time to establish a secondary inventory for deployment in case additional resources are requested in the field.

Note of Equipment: Members of Alliance Salvaging And Procurement will have a selection of the commonly requested equipment packed for deployment, as well as additional tools for field work. We are to utilise our mechanical units as well.

(Event in question: Dynasty of Xinshi)


Jeremy S. Lochton
Director of Alliance Salvaging And Procurement

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