[A]Silvermoon Forged Legacy, 1 night/week 6/10M CN 3/10 HC SoD

Still looking for a couple of more deeps

Hey guys

Been playing wow on and off since vanilla athough i haven’t played for the last 4 years so i might be a bit rusty but very familiar with raiding. I will be playin a Mage and 1 day a raid suits me perfectly so would love to join - still room? :slight_smile:

Still looking for a monk and a mage/warlock

Looking for that special warrior with that special shouty shout

Updated recruitment

Updated recruitment

Shame it is just a DH dps you guys are looking for. I am looking for a 1 day raiding guild but my DH isnt the best sadly


I am Bhalgarn. I am looking for a raiding guild that raids once or twice a week and is interested in heroic and mythic raiding.

I play Holy as main spec but I can also DPS when required. My specs are equally geared.

I am an active player who learns quickly. My raiding experience dates back to vanilla.

Feel free to contact me if you want to know more.

yeh sorry, lads I did forget to mention we could do with a DK as well. but as far as paladins and shamans we’re all filled up

I have started on my DH, just about 200 ilvl currently but i see you guys are recruiting for 9.1 so a social spot to start with would be fine with me and see what happens in 9.1.
I do have a DK at 223 ilvl but he is blood and not a fan of DK dps sadly. If that is possible feel free to add me on bnet: hochopepa#21820

Updated recruitment

Still looking for those last few people!