[A][Silvermoon] <Quie Inc> - Recruiting Older players

Quie Inc - Established in 2006 on Silvermoon, one of oldest guilds on the server.

In this guild We like to do things our own way so You will not find us racing to the highest level or eating through new content in a week or two. Instead we enjoy, explore and evolve in our own pace. We strive to be a chill and easy going bunch and we even encourage our members to have a real life.
Here players talk (a lot about RL food!!!) :pancakes: we like to level alts, run dungeons, hunt mounts, pets, toys, achievements & transmogs, talk about hidden secrets and spots. We even do the occasional PVP.
Collectors galore welcome :slight_smile:

We do not have raid schedules, DKPs, attendances, class leaders or hardcore/elitist members.
The Guild events are always player-driven. That means that members don’t look to the leaders or officers to organize anything, We are all adults and we are fine with being responsible for our own gaming experience and fun, so feel free to create any event of your liking - The power is yours!

So are you 30+ years old and want to feel at home with no obligations, talking and playing with people with real lives, jobs & family.
Leave us a message here or find us in game in the Guild finder.

See you all in game and remember - Life is short, smile while you still have teeth. :wink:

Hey I’m old, let’s talk :smiley: Tried finding you under Quie Inc but it went a tad strange :S Say hello some time and maybe that’ll work out better

I see you found us in the guild finder, i send you an invite :slight_smile:

Any chance you accept a noob lowbie too? Currently leveling a mage on Silvermoon, Name is Felorain

Yes ofcourse!
Guild invite on the way. :slight_smile:

Hey, Currently looking for a new home, I main PvP. But i’m pretty casual now. I’m ancient at 35 and eat everything so seems a good fit for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Poke me in game or find us in the Guild Finder, Happy to have you :slight_smile:

Greetings, over 40 yo, gamer and family man, looking to blend in to cozy social guild ( if you still have a spot)

My main is Goldendragon - Augmentation Evoker

For all the “oldies” out there, come join us.

Currently looking for interested in completing old Glory of Dungeon/Raids that need several guildies together.

(We did Glory of Dragonflight Hero 25/25 in Season 1 so we like a good challenge too)