Ask A Question 🙊

I don’t know, so they best reply.

Why do Draeneis look so cool?

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They had to compete with the Blood Elves when TBC got released.

What are you hiding?

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My beam green eyes.

Will faction balance ever be a thing?

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Faction balance should never be a thing. Half of the Horde belongs in the Alliance, leaving the warmongers in Undercity.

Why aren’t Vulperas tameable?

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Because that fox is too cunning to be tammed!

Should I choose my hunter or shaman? :thinking:

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Not yet. Not yet :sob:

Here’s my question, how to make a good hamburger?

Grind up a traitor tauren, and add some lovely spices

Is that an illusion?

Aye, it is. Which leads to my question:

What are ye hiding?!

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You do not have security clearance level that would allow me to answer that.

Would you rather join the opposite faction or play the rest of your wow gaming in white quality gear?

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Join the opposite faction, although some of the white gear is pretty :slight_smile:

If you could invite one forum person to dinner, who would it be and what would you have as the main course?

Edit: And I wonder how many will immediately start thinking of salty dishes :wink:


Undead @Drea, and well have “Braai vleis” for dinner :3

Why all the tension?

I had to look up what Braai means :wink:

Without tension we would not have relaxation (when tension ends).

Why all the antagonism?

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Dunno and don’t care!

Do you think WoW will survive, if SL becomes a major flop?


Where have all the flowers gone?

I have flowers in my garrason.
But why is it that when i turn war mode on it says only 10% but it says 30% in the option to turn it on.

Because its transcendence is the next step to realizing what % is really real.

What just happend? 0.0

Well i see those who have war mode on has the 30% but whenever i turn it on it says 10%.


What’s that sound in the distance?

A kitty prowling that stalks you.

Why do bunnys hop?

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