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you can with the right attitude :wink: haha

Why doesn’t Borbarsa have the right attitude?

Because he was the first guard to snicker…


That is so weird.

That came up recommended on YouTube the other day XD

What do i do if someone flags me?
newcomers read topic 1st

Now ask a question xD

It will be sent to a moderator for review. Until then it will be hidden. If its found to be fine the post/topic will be restored, if not you will get the punishment described in the CoC depending on what you were flagged for.

Worst I’ve had is 3 days silence. Not too bad.

What is the best hunter pet for making a Dr. Robotnik character?

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Any playable Mechagnoom

Why is the weekend so short?

Yeah but the pet.

Because if it wasn’t people wouldn’t work so much and the economy would go to :poop:

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Damn you and your logic!!!
Waves fist in the air!!!…Loudly

Because science hates us.

Why are dont we have a murloc raid yet?

what happen when a groupe of bef and shalorei ladys meet a vulpera.

They try to decide which group eats the vulpera, then they start fighting with pillows. The vulpera joins them and they create the first disco under vulpera’s guidance.

World of warcraft have "sniper"s as weapons. Snipers can shoot from very far away. Why didnt anyone snipe jaina on top of the ship at the battle for lordaeron?

because she’s too sexy to die.

why are we still here?

What are we still here? Is it nothing more than the endless search for a big procc? And what is a procc but a constant reminder that we’re all only one crit attack away from oblivion? And what of the poor noob? Gear forever rare, destined to an existential swim down the river of life to… an unknowable destiny?

What is that?

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That is the thing you see (and wanted) - related to this which can also be the thing you wanted, it’s very confusing that we do not always comprehend ‘this and that’. I think I should leave now as there is that thing I need to do.

What will prove SL to be great?

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Less rng and legendary weaponry.

Why are forsaken always so negative and hate me?

Jealous of your ability to change forms and smell nice .

What does Jania’s hair smell of ?

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Barnacles and Seaweed (she is the daughter of the sea).

Why is there only 4 covenants in Shadowlands?


Because 3 wasn’t enough and 5 was too many.

Why did they have to ram 4 expansion’s worth of factions/plots into bfa?

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Maybe they hoped that with so many plots to follow, we would forget about corruptions, AP and rng :wink:

If Anduin and Wrathion married, how would they produce an heir to rule over the Alliance?


Look on deviantart, I’m sure there’s a handy diagram explaining it, possibly multiple.

Alternatively Anduin uses sinaaki as a surrogate.

Someone else ask a question, already had my turn.