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Why is mythic+ gear always capped to +15. Why aren’t people who time +20s awarded with better gear?

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The new character customizations introduced in shadowlands were awesome, now my question is:
Is this update the beggining of something huge? or this all we are geting about character customizations?


Let’s make the assumption that classic will receive an The Burning Crusade expansion. Would/Will/Have you implemented that ontop of the classic system
or would/will/have it be/been created by taking the mordern code and removing and editing data that is incorrect ?(using the same method as classic was created)

What was the most difficult thing development-wise through the entirety of classic ?

I just have one question.
You guys have any plans for a tail customization for Worgen?

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Do you think to recruit 1 (one) GM for classic in near future?


Do you guys planning for buff holy priests ?

I’m talking for Mythic+ Dungeons…


  1. do you plan any changes for demonology warlock? It’s weak in both pvp and pve. Especially in pvp it’s bad (for example Call Observer is 1.5minute damaging cooldown that does in better cases 15k dmg over 20 seconds… not really worth clicking even).

  2. how do you feel about solo queue for rated pvp? The way we have to look for partners now is actually stopping me from playing rated pvp. It’s a chore.

  3. content seems a bit scarce and community is eager to help. Would you be willing to make Creator Tools and have community work on new things (from default ui enhancements to new raids even) that would go through some arbitrage committee before implementing to retail or just to fix/finish already implemented things (for example RTX shadows that currently work with like 2 light sources only)?



My questions and suggestions are in regards to no changes and how it (hopefully) wont be as restrictive for TBC classic. Some changes are probably advisable (personal note).

  • Will you implement tinnitus debuff for war drums to break the LW meta for TBC classic? Having all melee as mandatory LW is bad gameplay in my oppinion and just feels restrictive.

  • Will you include dualspec for TBC classic? As TBC in general already relaxes the whole class/spec identity I dont see a problem with dualspec. Perhaps dualspec could be an opportunity to drain some excessive gold from the system and have it serve as a gold sink. I’m thinking 1-5k cost? Dualspec would also open up PvP to a large part of the player base that previously never set foot in BGs or arenas.

Why are there no 3-4 tank fights in mythic/20-man+ heroic? In raiding, being able to play tank is a huge privilege. While at the same time “3 ranged LF TANK” elsewhere.

If and when TBC is released, will my classic character still be on a classic server? Can I keep farming naxxramas if I please to do so? A question I been wondering about ever since TBC was ‘leaked’

Thank you in advance if you do happen to answer me :slight_smile:

  1. Are you planning on reworking Death Knights, as the class is now much more different than it was in WotLK?
  2. Or are you planning to get PvP up to par with ie. Paladin in sense of burst and healing? We are, at the moment feeling ignored.
  3. Can we get back old school talent trees to define our classes?
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  1. Are there any plans for modern graphics/lightning system etc in classic TBC?
  2. Are there any plans to implement solo-queue system for Areans in classic TBC and if so rated or un-rated?
  3. Are there any plans to balance alliance paladins with horde paladins (thinking of seal of blood and the massive advantage horde paladins have with it)
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Others already asked about retail side, but my questions are: Are there any plans to connect / merge the smallest Classic realms? If not, is there some other plan to help the smallest ones?


Could we one day holpe to find promotion packs mounts & pets making a retourn to the WoW IG shop ? For those that have missed Past BfA expensions or that haven’t played the game back then. Murlock illidan pet is nice , but cost around 700 us dollars on the black market …and the list go on… i would really like to see those mounts/pets return to the store.

  1. Will you finally do Legion dungeons and raids for timewalking, I think many players would love to see this.
  2. How will the Valor Point system work exactly? How many Items will you be able to upgrade per week with the cap?

Why does it take so long to fix the MC bug?

Isn’t it a bad sign that you go back and forth with changes, f.e. the drop rates, are you internally in conflict?

Why don’t you balance the PvP section much more often?

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Good question. I also want to know this. Better yet, just merge smaller servers. Sharding between servers just feels half-assed and… strange… retail-like. I think most classic players would prefer a straight-up server merge.

  1. Do you have any plans to improve the Great Vault? For example, make it give items for different gear slots, no duplicates, etc. More choices is good, but GV is still very random and being awarded duplicates/multiple items for the same slot is very frustrating.
  2. Do you have any plans to rework specs that are in bad state and not competitive/popular bacause of their mechanics? For example, demonology warlocks, survival hunters, arcane mages, etc.
  3. Will you do any significant covenant/soulbind rebalancing or just small tweaks to unpopular choices? Right now certain abilities are extremely strong and they basically carry the classes (convoke for druids, wild spirists for hunter, night fae fire mage ability, etc), making “wrong” covenant choice extremely punishing.
  4. If you do any major covenant rebalancing, will you provide ways to keep the progression on covenant upgrades if you change covenants? For example, some refund of souls and anima?

When “The Burning Crusade Timewalking” event will be added back to 2021 calendar again?

It seems that there are no news regarding TBC timewalking event. We understand the reason for postponing it, but community would like to know when demon hunter can obtain warglaives transmog once again.

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Do atleast some wow classic realms/servers stay forever after tbc comes out !?Plz blizzard say yes coz i love wow classic and want to play vanila forever )

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