Asking for advice about RP

Hi, its my first time ever posting, delete this if its in wrong category or something.
I started to play in 8.3 on Silvermoon, since then i have few max level characters, found the guild which i really really like and often talk with people from guild on discord or do Nathria with them. I really like my guild but something is missing for me, i always thought about RP, or maybe even no full RP but social events etc, this is MMO after all and usually im playing alone, without the real fun interaction with others outside of my guild sometimes. So im asking You veterans of Argent Dawn, because I heard many good things about server and People on him, do You think that its a good idea for me to make a new character (or transfer my main)? Im really afraid about raiding and PVP since its RP server, will I find easly guilds to do heroic nathria, people to do rated arena with? And can You tell me how its really looking outside inn in Goldshire, are there events, RP guilds etc? I love the game but luck of any RP and social interactions really hurts, Im afraid of changing guild and realm but I feel like i miss so mutch. Thanks for help and sorry for long silly post^^

There are a lot of raiding guilds on Argent Dawn and although I’m afraid I can’t give names of the alliance ones as I’ve not played that scene, I know guilds such as Helheim on Horde and even RP guilds like the Sanguine eye and Gilded blades (horde) amongst others do casual raiding and PVP content. Argent Dawn for all it is, is a mixed sort of server and you’ll not struggle to find what you’re looking for.

That being said, it’s costly right? To bring your main over, not just in coin but also in giving up what you’re doing already. I would suggest before making that drastic change, make an alt and have a little fun with Roleplay first. See if you like it, dip your toes in and have a look around at the guilds out there first hand. I’m sure a few people will post soon with proper guild suggestions for you for the alliance.

But in the mean time there’s no harm in having an Alt character you can log in and dapple on before making the plunge :slight_smile:


Hey there.

It’s not worth bringing your main over, unless you are 100% sure about it.

There are a few raiding guilds on AD that have roleplayers in them:

Anyways, it would be a good call to just install TRP3 and have a look around in a hub like Stormwind to see if you like it. Leveling up has never been easier and quicker.

Never go to that accursed place, it’s not a good place for roleplay.

Try Stormwind.

Yes, have a look through the forums. There are countless guilds (many even not listed in the forums) and even realmwide events. Guild events of course too.

Here’s my suggestion:

keep your main on your current realm. Create a level 1 (or so) character with a basic TRP3 profile and walk around Stormwind. Level that level 1 character up and see if you do like it all. Then you can still think about transfering your main over.

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A lot of guilds doing content next to RP.

All guilds you see marked [PCU] on the forum thread are bundled together for raiding, on both Horde & Alliance side. We’re currently at heroic stone legion.

Goldshire does not at all reflect the RP community, but a radical element existing parallel to it that the majority of the server’s actual roleplayers despise.

Roleplay in general is about guilds. You could potentially catch some guildless RP in Stormwind on alliance, but I’d still recommend joining one for the sake of having buddies to help you get into RP.

Guilds tend to host regular events and gatherings. Some guilds have regular cross-guild and cross-faction events. There may even be the occasional PvP or RP-PvP event. For those, don’t assume it’s wacky WoW pee-vee-pee; usually we do emote fights in horde-alliance battles too with tongue potions.

I suggest you don’t transfer your main, but try RP first. Browse the forums for a guild you like, develop an idea for a character and contact the guild. They will most likely be glad to have you and will help you down the rest of the path.

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Definitely don’t transfer your main, try RP first.
Good thing about RP is that you don’t even need to be high level for it. Unless you want to use Shadowlands mogs, you can level to 40 and be on the same level as everyone else as far as RP convenience goes (takes like 5 hours now).
There’s no need to pay money to transfer only to possibly end on a server that isn’t your thing.

As for the Alliance side, I know a few guilds with rpers too, althought the guilds themselves are pve ones.

[A] 10/10 Heroic < Legitimate Lads > - Recruiting For Mythic Roster! - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (

[A-PVE] Simply :nerd_face: - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (

[A] [PvE/RP] < Braveheart > - Recruiting for Shadowlands (and beyond)! :sparkles: - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (

Edit: But yeah, roll a new char first on the server before doing any transfering.

Horde is. Alliance is doing Denathrius :smiling_imp:


You should totally go for Mythic Shriekwing on one raid night and kill it before the Horde group for bragging rights.

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I don’t think you were supposed to reveal you guys progressed on /Valentine’s Day/. :exploding_head:

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