Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

Yep, I hope M+ will receive a buff to be roughly on par with raiding.

Even at best, the vault item levels cannot be as high as the drops from the current tier’s end boss item level drops (for keys that is). So you have to do fated mythic Denathrius to have a shot at 311 gear for instance and keys can offer 304 at best - and valor upgrades stop at 298.

If we could upgrade to 304, that would be a boon. It’s a grind either way, while raiders spend 3 or 4 hours in one sitting to finish their gearing, we’d just do smaller sessions and then farm valor which either way, consumes quite some time. :sweat_smile:


If they could consolidate it more but give it an even reward. Like raid finder I’d be all over it.

No way in hell am I locking out an evening to progress on a game. If the mood takes me? Sure.

Well my entire post about +18 keys is now moot after BLizzard´s M+ changes.

Personally? I think the change with having gear scale up to +20 keys, and increasing difficulty by higher percentages after +11 is going to be disastrous for the game. Casual players will feel pressured to push as high as they even can every single week, to get better loot. This is basically going to be AP, but in a stressed time-trial system. Even worse players who have not played dungeons like Court of Stars / HoV a billion times will be at a massive disadvantage in the new season (which will release during the Christmas season, did someone say stress?). Failing keys is also going to feel A LOT more punishing. Because now it is not just about epeen, it is about losing the opportunity to get the best gear in the game in a time-trialed stressed out environment.

Like, they really had to go and make M+ worse for the general playerbase to fix an ´´issue´´ that only affected the top players. Everything worked in Legion. If you hated time trial systems, just do a SINGLE 15, which was very achievable and that was that.

I still feel like if 20s are reasonably doable with tier sets, then it will be okay. But I remember S1 of BFA, and how much my casual guild mates struggled to even getting to sniff a +10 key. People simply gave up and very few people even did +10s. By season 3? How things had changed, once everything had been nerfed into the ground and we had power creep. Suddenly M+ was popular, and people were engaging with raids and m+ content.

This new system might just end up leaving people very despondent and angry at the M+ system. It will all come down to Blizzard´s tuning of course. In the end though, you are basing an entire system, and making it extremely convoluted just to appease the top 5 % of the playerbase? Gear WORKED in Legion. Why change a winning formula?

Based on the queue times in Classic WotLk a lot of people already voted against SL and DF systems.
Of course this could change a bit, but WotLk has some huge advantages over retail:
It doesn’t care if you are the 1% or in what other percentage of the playerbase. It gives you content and gives you good rewards for that content.

  • You can do heroic dungeons to get ready for normal raids
  • You can do daily quests which gives you reputation to get ready for normal raids
  • You can craft your stuff for normal raids

In SL and DF it’s:

  • You can do M+ over and over. Don’t do anything else, because it is a waste of your game time
  • You can buy boosts!!

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

Arcane mage already has more than 1.5 million parses for WTLK Classic…

  • You can buy boosts!! in wrath i know i have sold them since 2019 in p1 classic

Arcane mage now with 2.7 million logs… - Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

This tweet also puts things into perspective

Now if you really want your mind blown.

Naxxramas had more parses put up within 10 days than all of Sepulcher for its entire lifetime across all difficulties.

By early next week, Naxxramas will have more parses than every single boss of Endwalker combined.

— Kihra (@KihraOfTemerity) October 27, 2022

The funniest thing is people whining ´´OH BUT IT IS ONLY SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE IT´S EASY LUL´´.

Yeah that is the entire point, the game has gotten wayyyy too hard and is killing the game. Actually crazy in hindsight to think about how much money Blizzard has been losing by turning the entire game into a failed-esport for a minority of the playerbase.

i literally made a post about how this new Forced group loot system is just another favor carried by blizzard for RWF and everyone laughed at me , the truth is they dont understand how this change is helping them if its forced ! and how it will make the game impossible for them if its not forced .

if its not forced then they have to do so many more splits and consider alot more dummies and spent alot more time on heroic splits swap around personal and group loot depending on what character needs which specific loot , and they cant get away with running group loot and not expecting the other side not to run it ( talking specifically about the 2 top degenerates Echo-Limit ) .

however if they Force the group loot only , they no longer have to worry about that nor have to struggle with the swapping , at the same time they are releasing mythic along side with heroic to make sure they wont have to spent alot of time on splits and they already stated that Sepulcher was an outlier which means the new raid is going to be 100% much easier (maximum 1 week) so they already know their time table that they are againts

which means they dont have to run that many splits at all ! all they have to do is to run like 4 / 5 split runs filled with classes that share the similar loot interest with 1 or 2 dummies for each player to get the maximum value out of the random drop pool .

so there you go the Degenerate life of RWF players ( which btw contains a total of 40 - or 42 if you count both raid leaders ) is 10000000000 times better , meanwhile the community is already going through multiple nightmare phases of paying for the 42 degens . So Gj Blizzard you objectively made your game 10000000 times worse just to make the life of 42 players better , why ? because you guys are to dumb to realize they are not making you any money they are just costing you money while earning money for themselves.

Keep it up i stand with RWF lets go lets go .

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

Just continued insane log performance for WTLK Classic. I am still really interested in seeing how Dragonflight will perform at launch. We´ll see!!

Beast Master which is the second most unpopular spec has 80k logs, this is insane.

The reason raiding is hard it’s because they want players to buy tokens and get boosted , you can call it the theory of conspiracy but the fact is this 1 factor keeps people subbed .
And now gearing is way harder then is any expansion .
They are milking peoples huge egos just like in diablo immortal .
A twisted wheel .

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The raeson raiding feels hard for so many people that whine on forums is more simple than you think.The majority of WoW players are simply not good enough,simple as that.The bad thing is its their ego problem that they cant admit it to themselfs or atleast try to get better,all they do is come on forums and whine why the game is not catered more to them(they are that selfish)!

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hilarious bold statement, asmon hasnt done mythic progression raiding for years however he has hosted the rwf in castle nathria, regardless his opinion is irrelevant as who cares what an bald old man says, if you want to do the content go and do it, if you dont or cant why even bother malding about it in the forums?

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Raiding participation in modern WoW is so easy to fix:

1 - Only have 10 man raids to encourage creation of more guilds/teams
1 - Balance everything around 10 players on Heroic difficulty
2 - Delete LFR difficulty + iLvls
2 - Connect Normal to Group Finder instead
3 - Stop making aids mechanics in Raids that require Addons - especially Mythic
3 - And make the game fun again by using SIMPLE DPS CHECKS.

DPS checks are so much more fun than all these aids mechanics.
People just don’t want to deal with so many annoying mechanics.

Just let them play their characters and enjoy dying.

And if you don’t do enough DPS - you wipe and come back another time.


Why would you make all content easy? People will get bored 2 weeks in and quit.

Make raids simpler fun less time consuming, not hard work as it’s a game.

More loot drops, because today m+ is the way to gear up you don’t even really need raid for gear anymore.

Less one shot mechanics and less mechanic that demands everyone to stand in a single pixel to survive. More group responsibility less individual responsibility. Look at ICC and ulduar as good examples.

Thats what Heroic difficulty is for. Some people can clear that content in leveling gear and want a harder challenge, why is that a problem?

I’m not proposing making it easier, I meant the intended ‘default’ should be Heroic.
They try to balance things for 20 players, which is nearly impossible with all the weird procs and abilities.

I believe having smaller raid sizes will benefit the game by allowing the creation of more groups & guilds - therefore meaning more demand for Tanks and Healers - which will over time solve the Tank and Healer shortage.


I just think having so many different difficulty levels and raid sizes is a big problem for the game.

Simplify. 10 man only. Normal, Heroic, Mythic. Balanced around Heroic.

The balancing will be so much better.
Mythic would be better balanced for exciting DPS races, without having to add stupid mechanics.

Queue times will be reduced because there will be more groups and more Tanks/Healers.

This would mean that my guild and many others would have to split into separate raid groups and we wouldnt be able to play all together anymore.
Also splitting guilds into multiple raid groups quite often causes issues as one group will perform better that the other, clear content faster etc. This can promote a division in the way players interact with people not wanting to raid with the “bad” group.
Tanks and healers will ALWAYS be an issue as those roles are percieved to have more responsibility. Many players dont want to be put in this position so they wont even consider tanking or healing. I dont think that changing raid sizes will influence this.

I hear that - flexible sizes would still be good.

Or you could maintain large guilds by running 2 groups simultaneously, who’s to say that would be a bad thing? It doesn’t have to be ‘1st’ and ‘2nd’ team, you could have a little race or competition etc. It wouldn’t be all bad.

It would just be ‘different’ - but yeah, I guess you wouldn’t have 20 people in a single Discord channel anymore…

Look at it this way - at least you will never need to cancel a raid anymore.
Because instead of trying to maintain a roster of 20, you would only need 10.

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