Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

The tourists certainly don’t belong there in the in-betweens. The tourists… Are tourists. It doesn’t matter how hard or easy the game is to them. They check it out and then quit.

That is exactly what we try to say though. My guild for example needed 7 months to progress normal (~2 months) and then heroic (~5 months) last tier. They killed anduin normal this evening :muscle: Nice on schedule.

Zereth Mortiz gives 252. Except maybe trinkets and weapons(?). Weapon at least a 246 from the rare-event in the north sands.

But isn’t it the task of the developers to figure out how to make the game more interesting, compelling, and engaging, so that these “tourists” stick around longer?!

Isn’t that what people are saying here? That the game stops being interesting, compelling, and engaging, after a few months, and then the content drought sets in with pointless grinding and unrewarding difficulty progression?!

How the hell do you see this as ideal game design and the pinnacle of what the game can present itself as?! It’s poor performance for a top game company with more money than they can count.
They’re clearly not creating enough value for their customers, tourists or not.


You can’t. It doesn’t matter what they do, they’re just going to check out the game and then quit. They are why there’s such a huge drop-off after expansion releases and why there’s such a huge surge at the start.

Reason why not, please.

Other Live games manage this just fine, so why can’t WoW?

No, they don’t. You have loads of people dropping off in FFXIV after releases. Like, loads. I was planning to play it with Endwalker but I stopped after my hype for it died after sitting in several hours of queues only to be disconnected and thrown to the back of the queue constantly. Now there’s no several hours worth of queues but my hype for the game has died down because I couldn’t even play when I wanted to.

Maybe I would still have been playing it if not for how long the queue problem lasted. But that killed it for me. I shouldn’t have to wake up at 5 am in the morning to be able to play a game.

There’s plenty in my FC in FFXIV that are just playing the MSQ and then they’re done with the game until next patch or expansion releases.

They are quite trying though, with island expeditions, warfronts, torghast :frowning: It is just very difficult to find out what someone keeps playing for a whole tier, especially someone who is done with raiding after 17 years, but finds open world content too easy.

Island expeditions were awful, they made them the fastest way to get your heart up in levels. Like, really awful. They were advertised as having procedural generation but they were all the same, there was no variation. You also had no time to actually check the island out properly because you were in a race against the horde team, WHO BY THE WAY WAS CHEATING BECAUSE A HUMAN TEAM COULD NEVER GATHER RESOURCES THAT FAST.

Torghast was fun up until they decided to nerf it into the ground and then they made it even more unfun with thanatophobia that makes me want to throw my monitor out the window when it triggers before the % it states it triggers at.

Jailer’s gauntlet was fun, but it’s a one-time thing just like twisting corridors.

Personaly I feel like game became incredibly stressful in all kinds of content. Game doesn’t allow mistakes to the point you feel like you’re on your toes constantly to succeed.

PvP - pop defensive cd 0.1 too late, game over
M+ - one wipe can lead to not timing key and most of the time to party break
Raids - one person fails (mythic, and now very often heroic) and you wipe

This is horrible design.

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It doesn’t even matter if you pop a defensive CD, you just get bursted to death and beyond.

I managed to avoid being casted at almost the whole game and then he got 2 casts off. Yep, dead.

Stupid as hell.

I don’t care if it’s hard to cast or anything, there should be no occasions where you die from pretty much full hp in under a second. Regardless of CDs used. Even if I had used divine protection, I would have died because that would still have been more damage with divine protection than I have in hp.

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What kind of analysis is that?

If WoW has an issue maintaining its playerbase, the approach is surely not to look at another game with the same issue and concluding that that’s just how it is.

Surely you would look at a game that manages to do what WoW and FFXIV struggles with.

Fortnite would be a good example.

That game keeps its momentum. So what does Fortnite do right by its audience that WoW and FFXIV fail to do?

They’re not trying hard enough.

Blizzard makes 1-2 attempts every 2 years, like Warfronts or Torghast. And if they fail, then they’re like: “Well, come back in another 2 years and we’ll try something else that’s hopefully better!”

That’s not good enough.


Fornite is a F2P battle royale. Not a mmorpg.

Torghast was good at release though. That is until the whiners got it nerfed to the ground.


That’s the dumbest conclusion ever.

If people are happy to play Fortnite, then it’s because they enjoy the Battle Royale game that it is, i.e. Epic delivers on the audience’s expectations for this type of game.

If people aren’t happy to play WoW, then it’s because they don’t enjoy the MMORPG that the game is, i.e. Blizzard aren’t delivering on its audience’s expectations.

If you go around blaming external factors for why your company is losing upwards of 20.000 MAUs every single day, then you have no place in the business. And I pray to God this is not how Blizzard goes about looking at this.
You take action.

That’s not enough.
Blizzard needs to follow content up with more content.

I said this earlier. The answer to most of WoW’s issues is MORE.

If there’s an abundance of enjoyable content to do, then it’s not a big issue if one particular thing is crap. But if there’s only one thing to do, then it’s paramount that that one thing is absolutely incredible.
And since Blizzard cannot consistently create absolutely incredible content, then the answer is surely to just create A LOT of content. Some will be amazing, some will be mediocre, and some will be crap. But the value lies in the volume. Then players don’t have to obsess over the details of the few scraps they’re given.


And I say it wasn’t, you had to do it 2 times in week and whether it was good or unpleasant run was 100% dependant on RNG without any way to play around. This version what we have now is better, but still - too much RNG.

No, it’s really not.

That’s because MMORPGs aren’t meant for a lot of people. They require you to spend more time, require you to have more knowledge than a battle royale. In a BR you can just jump in for a game every now and then. If you jump into WoW every now and then, you’re not going to get ANYWHERE in the game.

No, it’s objectively worse. Thanatophobia alone makes this version worse, by 1000000000%. I reported it being bugged in the PTR, I’ve reported it being bugged on live and it still hasn’t been fixed. It just randomly CCs you when you take damage. The only way to play against thanatophobia is to not play at all.

I don’t agree with this notion though, because MANY people are not doing LFR ‘to learn the fights’. They are there to have an easily accessible way to see and do the raid and story content (and usually do a quest) and maybe get some transmog.

I won’t pretend I have actual numbers, but I think the vast majority of LFR players are not going to go on and do normal or harder difficulties (not until they can solo them anyway).

Don’t try to make your opinion a fact.

It is a fact. Try playing with thanatophobia. That torment alone ruins torghast totally, BECAUSE IT’S BUGGED AND DOESN’T WORK AS IT SHOULD.

Another forum poster with “my opinions are facts”… there are a lot of these lately, their nest has to be nearby.

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