At max level, but everyone else is doing more damage

Sorry to tell you but you bought wrong trinket (Compendium one). You bought healer trinket, you, as dps class need Compendium of Storms :stuck_out_tongue: it will help boosting your damage for sure :stuck_out_tongue:

At the time I was kinda chasing the ilvl not the traits, probably a mistake.

I can look up stat priority online :slight_smile:

Questing in Nazjatar it is then.

Your trinket is benefiting healing spells, you havenā€™t any healing spell :stuck_out_tongue: just checked your talents and they are fine, the only enemy for you now is low item level :stuck_out_tongue:

And blaster master traits.

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Correct! :slight_smile: even innocent hearts must go through RNG casino

At least itā€™s not shadow where every other trait that isnā€™t BiS is also hot garbage.

Yup, thatā€™s why i left this character gameplay wise, itā€™s only used now for forums.

I used icy veins to double check I picked the right talents - which is probably why theyā€™re OK :stuck_out_tongue:.

Fixed the trinket. Now Compendium of Storms.

Not sure what the reference about ā€œblaster master traitsā€ is though, although Iā€™m going to have to pay more attention to what azerite traits I pick in futureā€¦

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