Auction House Dance Party - ended!

Agreed. ;D


LOL I’m in your pic! :crazy_face:

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Wow!! Have fun guys!!

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Yep i made a fool of myself on the damce floor again :upside_down_face:

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Event over, but we can’t be stopped.


Some great screenshots


The event is indeed over, and Daphne Funkybeats have returned to the Pig and Whistle Tavern in Old Town.


reminds me of a pub i used to go in with the same name, bit of a dive - locals renamed it the wig and pisshole

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We gotta have this more often! This far I wouldn’t bat too much an eye but it felt great to be a bit loose.


already posted a pic of me in Stormwind AH - not doing it again, will never live the shame down…

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Yesterday during the Dance Party I got this buff called “Black Tie Affair”, I searched for the shirt on the AH but I couldn’t find anything. Is that appearance available ingame?

It seems it’s only a toy

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When I went there last night, the AH was completely empty. It felt kind of sad dancing all by myself :frowning:

Story of my balcony disco life

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I was surprised at how different people’s screenshots are. I went in the middle of the day and there were people dancing away. Yet I think it was Dunkiee’s screenshot was just him and a dead body.

It’s murder on the dance floor


My shard on Arathor was a bit… empty at the time, similar to Shadeprowler’s one in ZM. Wish I checked the place with another toon from the same server as well.

Don’t much mind it however - all the easier to line up a screenshot, and all the more room for dancing too! :wink:

My other Dunkiee and Ceelinda had more people to dance with on the other hand - must be the fact they are on AD. :thinking: I’ll upload some more screenshots later on.

Turalyon(/Doomhammer) is sharded together with other realms, so although I was mostly alone in Orgrimmar as shown in the screenshot far above, that was in the middle of the night a couple hours after the event started at midnight. The activity increased through the day, and while the Trade District AH might not ever have been Argent Dawn-packed, it certainly was a lively place as the event lasted.

It was just Stormwind’s AH that was like this. The one in Org was deserted, sadly. :frowning: AD does have a significant(ly bigger) Alliance population.

I have 2 more dance party screenshots, from midday AD.

While a crowd can’t be really seen on the Org screenshot (there were about 7-8 people I think), the SW party did have quite the numbers even that “early”! :smiling_face_with_tear: