AWC 2021 Gets Cracking Today

1. List item atlest he was honest


Can you guys do balancing changes now after this miserable failure of an AWC?


Amazing quality of games when it comes to balance :clown_face::clown_face:

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#where are the other classes such as not mage paladin rogue monk :wink:
#nerf paladin insert any specc
#buff druid resto its a joke
#nerf fire maybe???

I’d say Paladin Holy is fine - just buff other specs to similar state.

Resto Druid needs dispel protection buff because it’s very weak to purges especially vs Resto Shamans and all Priests that have extremely cheap Purges.

Fire? Just rescale Infernal Cascade to last longer but give less damage buff and Fire Mage is fine.


they need to get of their high horses and read the forums and watch how broken the game has become.

Nerf all 3 pala specs for the love of god there’s 1 or multiple palas every game HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT BLIZZ


They ignore us and design the game around PvE then they see what happens.

People are furious about spell designs because spells like Convoke have no place in any PvP game. 100% sure they will try to “balance” this crap. It’s not doable 100% because this spell is just badly designed and there is nothing to balance.

yeah, besides almost every “cast” is holy power or uninteruptable, there could be something you can kick from time to time

resto needs some healing buffs, but along that some mobility nerf, rdruids don’t need any mc bugs to jump all over the arena

Nerf palas all 3 specs


Resto Druid healing is fine - but Druids always struggled with healing burst. They are also hard countered by Priests that are popular - not only Thoughtsteal but purge spam thanks to Clear Mind conduit. Necrolord covenant covers purging a bit because Adaptive Swarm has 3 stacks but there is no punishment for spam purging at all or any protection. Lifebloom exploding for 2k is a joke. And due to this purging R Druids are very weak in terms of mana.

R Shaman needs mana regen nerf as well - no doubt but a buff to throughput.

About instant healing from H Pala I agree.


I do agree with Brodanyo on this:

  • Rdruid healing is still on the low end but feels a lot better than 15 ilvl ago. The dispell protection is a bigger deal now.

  • Can deal with Rshaman dishing out fat heals! But going oom should be a factor that kicks in somewhat earlier.

  • Pala are definetly problematic: instant healing and little mana usage should be addressed

  • Priest mana was such a component in this AWC and we cannot say that going oom early with them is a ‘get good’ problem. Is their weakness and should stay like that. I feel tho that if mana regen/usage nerfs of other classes would be not enough it would deserve a look.

-MW monks, well…let’s light a candle for them.

Join me watching live here:

Was definitely entertaining watching “Paladin of Priestcraft”, thanks blizz very cool.

So much disc in AWC i agree :frowning:

what majority watching this think about fire mage

meanwhile holy priest/ Resto druid

Are you really just going to ignore all of it?

Not a single MW or Rdruid in the entire tournament btw

Ret stupid off healing is main star of awc

Warrior stupid infinite peels is the main star of that team.

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Warriors tankinest and team support, rets healing, fae seed, FMage combustion, WW legendary + Zuen - thats 1-st target on nerf tho. Poor RMx got foflstomped so hard, and btw last time when WW was instead of rogue in tournament he was nerfed so hard in Legion.

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