Back to retail - a horrible experience for non-lore players

I play - and have always played - WoW for the dungeons, pvp and playing with friends. I am not interested in lore or roleplaying.

I took a long break from retail and meanwhile both Nazjatar, Mechagon, corrupted items, legendary cloak and much more have been released.

So here comes my big fustration. I actually just wanted to get back into the game, run some dungeons etc. But this game forces me to play through the most
protracted and boring scenarios and questlines ever. Dragging me from kalimdor to pandaria and who knows where.

Blizzard, for the love of god, please stop doing these MANDATORY stupid scenarios that AREN’T CHALLENGING AT ALL, they are just boring.

Don’t get me wrong. I love questing. I even love doing CHALLENGING scenarios like the " Warlock Green Fire Quest " back in MOP.

But porting around the world to do a stupid questline for 1-2 hours only to get a free legendary cloak is just stupid… But hey, at least I get to do it on every single alt is just the cherry on top (I know I can skip some parts of it).

Even worse is the fact that so many “talk scenes” from NPC’s are not cinematic and therefore not skipable. Jesus I don’t care if King Mechagon attacked some random town and I have to save it.

I wanna push some high keys and smack some players in PVP, but if I want the luxury of flying around the map, I have to do this stupid questline in order to get flying.

I prey there will be less mandatory and boring questlines in shadowlands.

At the VERY least make scenes cinematic so we can skip it. Don’t force us to listen to it like we are on some webpage where add-blocker is not allowed.



They cant. Cloak is item what everybody have to have including your 80y old grandpa so there is now way they can make it fun or remotely challenging as entire 8.3 is designed around cloak.

I definetly agree with this, the experience for returning players is horrible. A lot of players that played all of BFA tend to forget how much catching up you have to do. It’s no where near catching up on an alt.

I’m on the phone right now and can’t be bothered to go into too much detail, so I’ll include an earlier post from a similar thread.

The basic gist is that it would be nice to be able to skip some of the story stuff, especially the earlier stories (8.1, 8.2), because it’s just mind numbing and boring.

I wouldn’t call it exactly horrible, but there’s a lot to catch up, and simply not enough time to do it. I mostly try to farm rep for Pathfinder 2, and it takes almost all of my play time.

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Personally I don’t mind the scenarios and mandatory missions. WoW is a lore-heavy game, and I like to learn more about it. Having said that, if you’ve done it once, you should be allowed to skip it on additional characters.

Legion had the same issue. People that come in late always struggle to know what to prioritise. If they don’t have friends or guildies to ask it can be a bit of a minefield. Wowhead often has guides but not everyone knows about those either.


Lol, it was even worse for the lore players.


This might literally be the only thing i agree with you, the rest… Meh,

I have no problem with my priorities, I just don’t have that much time on my hands as I had in Legion.

We had friends come back and they were like what do I need to do, and we just guide them through. Tell them what they can ignore and what they need to complete.

In my experience not even those really know what you have to do exactly, because most of them did it when that content was new and they don’t realize it’s mandatory this late in the expansion.

I agree on wowhead though. Especially the comments are incredible helpful. If you don’t know what the prerequisites are to a certain quest, just check the wowhead page for said quest. Chances are, that someone encountered the same problem and summarized everything you have to complete first.

Oh, if they want to gear up and do raids, mythic+ and so on that’s entirely different story.

They vary, but I meant returning guides rather than the original guides to the content when it was new.

I honestly can’t imagine trying to pick it all up from scratch at this stage and there is too much grind to get competitive with essences, corruption, cloak etc.

You get a good chunk of the pathfinder rep by just playing regularly instead of playing alot.

If you don’t have that much time to spent, just do the emissary quests and make sure you always do the rep missions at the mission table. While there’s other ways to get rep I rarely find them time effective and just do fun stuff instead.

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So far I haven’t seen a mission for Nazjatar and Mechangon reputation. Might be missing some pre-requisite :smiley:

Oh my bad you were talking about part 2.

For some reason part 2 was really easy for me and I had it way before part 1.

You’re right I don’t think there are missions for those. Atleast the Nazjatar WQs aren’t too bad (if you have a friend with flying, make him help you. Nazjatar is a pain to navigate on foot). And mechagon atleast has those jetpack thingies so you can fly there without pathfinder.

I don’t know, I find Nazjatar at least as irritating as Highmountain to navigate, if not more. Mechagon seems a lot better.

I disagree completely if this was the first time doing it. The quests, cinematics and story are always great initially. I am one of those though who still reads the quest text.

I do agree though you should be able to skip if you have done it already. Doing the same stuff multiple times on alts is kind of boring. At least the option to skip would be good.

Feels like a buzzsaw in your ear.
A pain you just want to shut it down already. :weary:


I agree, I want it to go back to how it was from TBC all the way to WoD where I only had to pvp to gear up. I only wanted to do bg’s and arena and never needed to do pve for anything before. God I miss those days.

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