Bad Luck Punishment

That is what it should be called now. On 25 BLP count atm killed hc fyrakk about 40 times seen alts, seen undergeared toons in get the lego seen 3 drop today at once but mains? nah screw em what a bad system


Assuming you want the axe on the character you posted - how can you have killed “HC Fyrakk” 40 times when the raid has only been out for 12 (or 13?) weeks?


He probably means 40 times spread across all his toons. Which would make it even more sad if none of those 40 kills got him a legendary.

I myself am on 13 kills so far without the legendary and today was the last straw.


I’ve killed Fyrakk and never received it either >_>

I want to have my demon hold it… come on Blizzard allow Warlocks to get it as well!

In case you hadn’t seen they boosted the drop rate

Why? Killing it on multiple characters doesn’t multiply the chance of getting it on any particular one of them. Assuming he isn’t simply making stuff up (like the player who claimed to have killed Fyrakk HC and 8/9 mythic every week since the season started), he could have spread those kills across 10 characters for all we know.

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