Baine should have died

So we aided the alliance in setting free a criminal who had betrayed the Horde multiple times but never suffered consequences for it.

Thrall and Saurfang were totally on board killing loyal Horde soldiers to appease their human masters. Blizzard hates the Horde and in Bfa it had it’s peak.

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Please, stop.


I can’t. Blizzard isn’t listening to me.

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Because you have nothing meaningful to say.


I just need to stay determined.

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he has no patience actually. I do for sylv to return reformed. but he maybe crazy but alliance is up to something fishy lately.

Maybe he did die, he still is doing nothing and sitting around in the shadowlands.

Its a shame shadowlands didnt give us some good chars like garrosh, cairne, garithos and other other well known heroes back

playable murlocs for the alliance confirmed?

Erevien, did you had a bad night with Sylvanas?
Did she not satisfy you?
So please, don’t take your anger out on other characters.

Baine should have been instated as peacechief of the Horde.

I agree with this.

As I pointed out in the previous thread. I used to humour your Enthusiasm. However, it’s just become boring now.

Just enjoy the game the way it is now, rather than being upset that the story did go the way you wanted it to.

Let go.

Sylvanas betrayed the horde baine stayed loyal and was imprisoned for it. Or should people not call out evil dictators who use dark magic

Nothing wrong with victory. Those who are too weak willed to do what needs to be done should be executed fro treason.

To quote yourself

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