Balance druid looking for Mythic raid guild

Hello. I’m currently looking for a 2 day-raiding guild for Heroic/Mythic progression. I’m maining balance druid but used to main resto until around mid-shadowlands, then swapped to boomie with healer OS. I’m comfortable with also playing OS if the guild has a need for it. Started a bit slow with DragonFlight but ready to go all in now.
Willing to eventually switch server & Faction if needed.

Past raiding experience:
CE Mythic Ny’alotha (Resto druid)
9/10M CN (Resto druid)
CE Mythic SoD (Balance druid)
5/11M SoFO (Break after guild disband)

Contact me on discord fallaxqt#3680 or battlenet Heathcliff#21987

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