Beast mastery or Marksman?

M8, you have three dots, which are one passive from kc, one you keep up 100% of the time outside of cd and the other is a side effect of another ability, you guessed it, that needs to be used on cd. You have to follow a very VERY simple prio list as does 99% of the specs right now, it may be more engaging then MM and BM in some situations, but it is pretty faceroll.
BTW i’m not trying to defend MM and BM i said they are dull above, but survival is not that different once you get the hang of it. I think they can and should do a much better job. They seemingly dec ided to over complicate fights and remove depth from the rotation to compensate, which i don’t appreciate.

Stats priority can change so much between tiers so it doesnt really matter.

I just happen to have two hunters that I play this tier so I did some raidbots recently, thats only reason why I know.

I prefered legion survival myself. The concept was great, but they butchered scaling to the point, they themselves reworked the spec from the scratch rather than fixing it.

But at least now its playable and you dont do same numbers when you get 20 ilvls higher as you did in leagion with survival.

According to Icy Veins:-

The general stat priority for a Beast Mastery Hunter is:

  1. Critical Strike;
  2. Haste/Versatility;
  3. Mastery.

The general stat priority for a Marksmanship Hunter is:

  1. Versatility/Mastery;
  2. Critical Strike/Haste.

The general stat priority for a Survival Hunter is:

  1. Haste;
  2. Versatility/Critical Strike;
  3. Mastery.

Icy Veins is not a good source of information anymore.

Make yourself a hunter, gear it up and sim your statweights.

For example statweights on my marksman are haste 3,52 which is almost half point higher than second highest stat which would be versatility around 3,1.

only for DD role hue hue

True, hunter healers and hunter tanks should use other methods, you got me there.

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That is why there is a general wrote there, those are what you should start with not something so strictly follow, on the site there is also written that for accuracy you need to sim yourself with a third party site like raidbots. Icy veins is a very good place to get info for your class, but if you want to go more in depth and ask some wuestions the best place is the hunter discord “trueshotlodge”. Stat weights can change for a million reasons, for example i have currently versa as my most desired stat at 5.81.
Btw yes i am very proud of my new weapon :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I am well aware of simming and how it works but we are talking a basic guideline not a tailored sim for each individual to min max.

I do have a hunter and I sim, incidentally I don’t value stat weights much other than giving a basic indication if something is an upgrade. Stat weights just aren’t accurate enough. It says yes, you sim and sim say no. Of course sometimes it’s correct too.

Simming is the only way to really see if something is an upgrade but we aren’t talking that level of gameplay.

Allright, let me put it other way around.

IF you follow strictly stat priority from icy veins for MM hunter this tier, your dps will go down.

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Mostly it is because you can’t get a raid spot or inv to M+ what so ever on a surv hunter. None will have them, so people ditch the spec - I did too

there might be a slight difference for ideal stats for pvp.
so this tryhard stat weighting is less helpful for anything beyond DD role in PvE.

i hate to say it but i usually focus them first, casue after turtle they are so soft

Just as we are discussing hunters here, my own survival has such values given

Weapon DPS 12.03
Haste 4.26
Versatility 4.08
Critical Strike 3.90
Mastery 3.75
Agility 2.75

And I already have haste on each gear piece and most items are socketed. But more haste I gained, more versatility took itself ahead of crit.

I ponder where are survival hunters hurrying into - always in such haste !

Survival of the fittest!

I dont do pvp so I dont know. You might be right.

i just mentioned it casue OP expressed interest in arenas perf as well

probs next patch or expac to be relevant in content.
but thats just a wild guess.

Oh well relevant or not, but for me they are currently most fun- aside my usual suspect DK. Community may despise them, but I feel myself like kid in candy store. Super-duper-fun ! Luckily I have friends and guild that allows me to play as survival (and next alt raid is about to have 2 or 3 of them :P) , but i doubt pugs would be as welcoming.

we are not in classic, so your hands matter more than your class.
i was just saying they arent popular, but playable

BM is love, BM is life.

If you strictly follow any stat prio for any spec your dps will go down.

But that wasn’t really the point of my post. Someone claimed the specs use similar stats.