Same, except when I am a druid, in which case I use Travel Form.
I still need the mount so cant tame it yet
Id really love t0 get the Lucid Nightmare for my velf hunter but sadly that maze kicks my *** everytime.
my ground mounts would tell me to stop jumping off cliffs

My mounts would probably blame me for never using them because I’m a druid
My mounts would probably blame me for ALWAYS using them because Iam a Druid
“Stop flying me inside buildings” is what my thundering Ruby cloud serpent would say. One of my favourite games is seeing how far I can get inside buildings before the mount touches something and I’m dismounted.

Id really love t0 get the Lucid Nightmare for my velf hunter but sadly that maze kicks my *** everytime.
10 hours it took me one of the worse concepts in wow ever .
My Grand Expedition Yak would def say ‘stop running into doorways…we didnt fit yesterday, we dont fit today, we wont fit tomorrow…just STOP DOING IT!!’
/me ‘but this time we might just fit!’
you can tame Rukhmar in the dungeon aswell
my travelers tundra mamoth would say the same about my garrison , i have a auction bot in my garrison, so i occasionally go to there, but my travelers tundra mammoth is just a bit too big to fit under the roof! so i get stuck and have to dismount
My Aerial Unit is probably sick of being constantly hit by Great Worms from Beyond.
My Golden Highlord charger would probably be yelling “DEUS VULT!” alongside me as we charge into the next group of enemies with zealous and reckless abandon.
My crimson drake would probs go on a rant about how often I’m asking him for his mum, Alexstrasza’s, number.
Just after Hallow’s End
- Oh right, we’re good enough for you now!?! >.>

My prestigious ivory courser would probably muse if that blue hooved girl that keeps calling him out just to sit still on his back for hours on end has a secret crush on him.
stop plz… ;/ ew
“STOP flying upside down!”
“Do those turtles STILL not like you? c’mon I want to fly around Boralus already”
Probably a barrage of jealous passive aggressive comments as I keep mounting up randomly, with a couple of favorites.
“Hah, my turn to carry our master!” “You’ll never be as good as me!”
And of course the Hivemind going, “What the hell is wrong with you and your friends…? What’s all this nonsense in your heads!?”
Using the Clutch of Ha-Li as Ji-kun hasn’t dropped hers yet, I’d presume it’d ask for my liver or other vitals quite often. Or if it could crack my bones open for that sweet succulent bone marrow.