Best server for world pvp

That’s the problem. Your experience is meaningless in the grand scheme which is supported by actual data you refuse to accept. Actual data is always more than a word of an individual, and only data should be used as a reference when giving advices.

i have lvl a rogue from 1-30 havent see any alliance on Thekal

Thekal would be great if it was actually unlocked or available for players without a char there.

It has no queue, but Blizzard is still keeping it locked, so the only available option right now is Jin’do.

And the data says it’s 58% to 42%. Seems fairly balanced, especially in comparison to every other PvP server in the EU zone (with th exception of Jin’do).

I you want actual data you need to check all, Ironforge, Wowclassicpopulation and census in-game. The data of the three is different and combining them together will give you the best possible estimation.

So u suggest almost 3,4k more Alliance players on a fresh realm, is balanced? and the numbers keeps going up.

I don’t give any suggestion, only the manual to get the proper data. The decision is on the each one individually. However, if you are to decide based on data, be sure to have the right data, because checking only one source and make decisions based on it would be unwise.

Data shows that the skewness towards Alliance side on Thekal is present. How significant it is is a personal opinion.

Its not people, it’s characters in the data you are referring to.

Alts, AH slaves, bots included, every unique char counted and added to the list of all previous scans.

If you check the scan with active logged in chars only and compare the alliance and horde peak active users within the last 10 days, the difference is only around 600 chars more for alliance, so it’s not nearly as bad.

Does not change the fact that it has always been Alliance friendly mate, I have an alt there, I stopped not long ago, because Horde is getting silent, people have left to other places, I joined mainly because I wanted to play a server that had some sort of balance…

And how it’s looking now, I will tell you 100% the server is not gonna stay anywhere near balance, Firemaw for example, had “some” World PVP until all the Horde left, because it was simply unplayable, that’s how Thekal is heading, most people are now in Jin’do and unlocking it, might save it?

But it also could screw Jin’do or it also could kill Thekal more as well, when they do the transfers. cause blizzard will give free transfers again, they always manage to ruin servers somehow.


People overlook that their personal experience can be heavily skewed on large servers, due to layers and the time of day they are playing.

There are usually at least 4-5 separate ones.

So the data collected by the addons is definitely a better metric to go by.

I don’t need Database, I only need my eyes and my own experience, it’s going one direction atm, and it’s looking very blue.

Pluss I doubt it has many layers.

It had four yesterday when I checked.

Going by your reply I assume you dont have the addon to check the layers.

And if you filter by people leveling from 1 to 70, the stats were 58% vs 42% in Hordes favour, but I will take your word and eyes for it, versus the other alternative which is analitical data.

And yes the server is locked and things might change, but calling it heavily alliance skewed is just not true at the moment.

And such statements on a public forum can definitely skew the balance long term, thats why I even bother replying.

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Census data is calculated by raid logs and arena. It does not represent the amount of players or player activity. Thekal is pretty darn balanced at max level in the open world for sure.

Trust me, when a server is imbalanced, you won’t need census data to find out that its imbalanced

That goes for the ironforge pro website.

The census addon works differently and scans all levels, irrespectible of those activities.

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World PvP aka “I want to grief others”

Im not interested in Johnny doing a quest in Arathi. Give me a countdown of accounts, not alts. We all know alliance likes to spam RP in goldshire on all their alts

You provided objectively wrong information on how the addon works.

Only Blizzard has account data, scanning of active logged in chars comes the closest to that. Not the accumulated character counter, the activity counter.

If we are talking personal interests I mainly enjoy WPVP while leveling, so that data is important to me.

Makes the long journey to 80 a bit more lively.

Glad we have information on both though, the more info the better.

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Mograine is the best server for WPVP.

There are old school world pvp guilds with on this server.

Zabra would transfer to Mograine and kill you all.

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