Best way to make gold?

In a few months they are connecting more realms, more realms = more people = lower prices due to undercutting. But also more people means more will look at your stuff and the more you will need to relist it.

The easiest but lowest yielding amount of gold is running on raid and dungeons. ~93k gold if you run all raids (Cata-Legion).

Second easiest would be material farming. Stuff like herbs/ore/leather or crafting materials (volatiles, primals, dark runes), branch out to older expansion stuff is good aswell as it doesn’t have that many suppliers compared to BFA mats. They still sell reliably even though they aren’t current content. Vanilla alchemy 1-300 is needed for transmute master quest (to get additional Living Steel, Arcanite, Truegold procs), and to level it you need herbs.

Professions are the best money makers though. BFA Potions, enchants, etc are good. It requires some capital to get started though.

Personally I like farming old content for transmog that I sell on the auction house. (3k listed atm) and it makes me around 500k-1000k+ every week depending on how much time I spend cancel scanning. It’s a niche market and requires a large stock to get daily sales though.

I recommend visiting /r/woweconomy though on reddit.

Realible and accessible:
-farming old raids (esp MOP and Draenor ones, high vendor values of drops)
-farming emissary wq (2k a pop)
-farming dungeon gold grind - skyreach, eye of azshara, freehold

Realible and requires being good:
-boosing in all kinds of content
(you can apply to boosting communities but they have rather steep requirements AND they also impose heavy bills if you mess up, eg you win a loot piece and you can’t trade it to a buyer)

Unpredictable, potentially huge payout:
-farming Mythic trash in Nyalotha
even with bad corruption a 475 BOE piece of gear is going to fetch for a good price. A good corruption can still sell for 500k+ gold. I think this beats dungeon raw gold farms in terms of GPH, if you grind Mythic trash for 12h straight you will get that BOE almost certainly, possibly more than 1. Whereas farming skyreach for that long is mere 60k.

I’d wager a token into the equation as well. Token is 20 euro and gets you about 150k (idk what it is, lets say 150). You need to grind skyreach for 30 hours in order to get that much. Is your time really worth just 0,67 euro per hour? I hope not. If you’re casual and just need gold for consumables, enchants and whatnot, token is the way to go. You will have enough gold for a long time.

And to top it off, majority of utility mounts in the game are cheap.
-transmog mount is 120k
-vial of the sands is ca 50k
-vendor mount is 20k

only the longboi is hellishly expensive. And that utility is only worth it inside a raid tbh, just 1 per guild is enough.

Sadly, this market has been ruined by Multiboxers

Step 1, be rich. Step 2 play the AH.

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Don’t ignore the World Quests that give gold, with Warmode on as Alliance they give around 210 gold, so 5 of them give over 1000 gold!
Although there aren’t that many that give gold sadly.

P.s. Get the habit of completing the table missions that give reputation, because over time these will give you an extra 4000 gold from Emissary rewards. It really takes no effort at all.

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eh, i like this “ruin” and plenty of players do as well.
prepots are 50g instead of 250g
i really hated zin something being 50 gold each on AH. Especially in M+ dungeons that don’t award any gold whatsoever.

Gathering proffs have always behaved this way - excellent on launch / new patch, then tapering off, after few months not really worth the effort. I remember making a small fortune selling sky golems at Legion launch - had 10 chars with engineering and the recipe, this thing skyrocketed from ~18k to over 100k each. There were that many ppl grinding herbs.

It was expensive because it is hard to gather solo. Only Multiboxers profit from it now because they get 10 herbs per click.
The price was fair.

Doing gold missions with your 10s of alts.

You get 2k-3k gold by just doing 1 gold mission.

If u got plenty of time and sanity, doing WQs and old raids is your best shot, the more alts you have the better.

Just dont farm herbs please, for your own good, they are like 5g/piece on draenor, so basicly nothing…

If your server has a lot of raiders, def good way to make gold to herb/alchemist/enchanting.

If not, you should go raids/dungeons for raw gold.

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