- Please completely remove the VPN/Proxy you are using called SafeIP
- Logitech Gaming Software may cause crashes if out-of-date (check for updates by opening software and clicking on (?) icon in the bottom-right corner)
- Uninstall the Twitch app and Weakauras Companion completely and perform a full UI reset
- Discord has an overlay integrated that can cause crashes/performance issues. Check the loaded modules for overlay
@Kamigawa If you submitted a ticket you will get a response as soon as possible with all the possible solutions tied to your specific case
- You too please completely remove the VPN/Proxy you are using called Akamai and also ASProxy
- Razer Chroma SDK Server/Razer Razer Software Development Kit may cause black-screens and crashes and should be removed
- If you have any overclocked component please try bringing it back to the factory clock rate and test the game
- Nvidia Share is an overlay that can cause crashes as well and must be removed
- Windows 10 Game Bar can also cause crashes and needs to be removed
The main problem in your cases may be the VPN/Proxy