BG Blitz not adding % for Season Reward

As the title says, played couple of SS and Blitz - SS adding like 0,75% or 1% to Season Reward (Vicious Saddle/Mount), while after playing Blitz no % was added.

Like, that was one of the things I looked forward tbh, considering Rated BGs are one of the better ways of farming Vicious Saddle (biggest %), so was hoping Blitz will have similar treatment and add alot of %.

I doubt this is working as intended. And if somehow it is - like why lol. Most PvE players fear arena like fire, but battleground are liked by everyone (as far as I know). So by simply adding % to Blitz it again increase amount of players trying some rated PvP. And then who knows, maybe they’ll try arena as well.

tl;dr blizzard fix your game ffs


i noticed yesterday that too

It probably a bug, on beta TWW it did give % on it

Really? That’s hopefull then. I noticed it didn’t added to the % and was really disapointed as just thought it was intented…

It’s pretty sad that the main incentive for people to PVP is another fotm PVP mount to add to the 100 you already have and never use.

Like, what’s wrong about it? People like to play the mode, and like to get rewards for it. One of those is mount. Like, buddy, go and see how many people played high rating when glad mount was looking cool, and how many when it looks bad. You play for the mog, enchant, mounts, titles and achievements.

On top of that, “Seasonal reward” mount is not fotm. You can still get it with Vicious Saddle after the season is gone. And stop pretending that PvE is different, you have a ton of people playing it for “main incentive” mog/mount/title, both current and old content. Wanna prove me wrong, check how many people buy AotC every season, just for the FotS/title/mount.

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The seasonal mount is not any kind of special achievement it just requires playing enough games. It would have more prestige if it was only awarded to those who get enough wins over say 2100 rating. A mount that everyone can get is worthless just like the tree handout which people literally used for 1 day and shop mounts in general.

Prestige makes mounts cool, that’s why people use parrots and crabs just because they are hard to get, the seasonal mount is too easy to get and is low value.

I still see no point, whats wrong with people playing for seasonal mount. Shadowlands season 1 was how many years ago? Still, I see everyday people riding on Vicious Spider, simply because it looks cool. You want not only cool, but also prestigious mount for PvP? You have glad.

With exception for Shadowlands, glad is still prestigious and boosting costs like what right now, 500$? Meanwhile, in PvE you have either mounts that have low % or need grinding. Mythic mount can be bought during first weeks for few M gold, which is nowhere near glad mount boosting cost. And after season end it can be farmed by anyone. Wow, what a prestige, look at my Nzoth mount!


Came here to post about this issue. It’s not counting towards the seasonal reward.

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Same issue here, I’m over 1k rating and can’t get any % progress via battleground blitz.

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buuuuuump its actually insane that the seasonal reward isn’t obtainable in their brand new game mode come on this should be a 1 hr max fix with <20 games total effected. its been like this for nearly 3 days now. so dumb.


yeah same here near 30 wins not counted i need those % for saddle :frowning:

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Weird one, I’ve noticed that I’ve only gain % by doing shuffle, but nothing else.

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For me % is added on Blitz. You guys have to delete interface, cache and wtf folders then the percent will show.
It is caused by outdated files.

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changed nothing

So basically there is no point in doing blitz until they fix that because if you earn more rating now it will be harder for you to earn % after the fix

Fix please Blizzard.
Rated Blitz is the only PVP mode I like to play and don’t want to miss the rewards.

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There’s a chance that (if) Blizzard fixes the problem, they will add % according to what wins you had during the season. I mean, that’s not a hard to do magic, especially that below 1.5k game always gives you like +196 rating per win, so

(seasonal wins-6)*%, as easy as that.

Blizzard, fix your freaking game already.


problem still here

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do you really believe they will add % retroactively :P? Let’s be real, they never do that if they mess up haha


Came here to bump this, brand new mode and one of the main incentive for doing it isn’t working. Classic.

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