Big vengeance DH nerf incoming!

Well No nerfs for us:) in latest hotfix

still dont get what ur trying to get at but uhm

That they probably Will not “fix” the bug:)

Every day at 4 am I will write a blizzard ticket to fix it: D

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And you think that Will help:d. What are you the son of a Blizzard employee haha.

I’m not, that’s why I will do this: D
I think a lot of people will support me in this

I know this is memeing, but like

vdh hasn’t been the ‘meta pick’ since its launch. they have 1 good tier in game (and not even ‘cos op’ which seems to be the huge misunderstanding here) and everyone goes ‘zomg nerf so they never can be played again haha lele’.

vdh/prot war became meta not entirely for strength of class, but because their dps counterparts are kinda dog. They bring highly valuable toolkits and raid buffs. If you want to go for pure ‘tankiness’ and the ‘best survival and dmg’ you’d take a guardian druid. understanding the tank ‘meta’ and how classes work is a little more than ‘zomg there’s a lot of xyz class they must be broken’.

I can explain it simply for you - blood dk is fairly low tier, its dmg is pretty bad and when it came to wf progression the dmg profile/mobility etc held it back (this will likely change in the future especially with the potential for double legendary). thinking of the last few bosses as the only ones of value, sludge/slg/sire blood dk isn’t the pick.
guardian is incredibly tanky, it does competative dmg (only beaten by prot paladins) and has good mobility, but it offers no raid buffs and fairly limited toolkit for raid benefit outside of roar (of which other specs of druid can cover, especially since you have been stacking boomkins).
prot pala does a ton of dmg, but it takes the dmg too, not ideal for wf unless there is some interaction with mechanics you can cheese (ToT in mists being a good example), also you cover base with hpal, of which a lot of guilds ran 2. ret is also decently competitive this tier. brewmaster is
its no longer its old self (and no longer the double monk tier level of class that no one seems to complain about
) it has decent dmg but it does take dmg now and although perfectly viable, ww monks actually became competitive this tier, so your raid buff becomes covered there.
that leaves prot war and vdh, both are good tanks, good mobility, good toolkit, and both have a raid buff in cry/shout and % magic dmg. they take dmg, do moderate dmg, but don’t beat out pala, druid or brewmaster in that aspect (vengeance has already been nerfed in dmg as well).
in theory, you can (if you are stacking more magic heavy dps) get away with no monk (though unlikely this tier with the amount of hunters/ww/dks etc), but no magic dmg is yikes. you need a dh, and havoc was (and to a point still is) bottom tier as a dps. It is far easier to outplay a bad tank class and manage to push good prog, than it is to do the reverse as a dps. havoc being so weak especially, was a huge part of the reason that vengeance took its place in raid. if havoc gets any stronger especially if they finally decide to do something about their single target dmg, vengeance will drop in popularity again.

as for ‘variety in classes’, when it comes to m+, vdh is good, its incredibly mobile, it has the same toolkit it always had which makes it both fun, and a strong choice, it also has the magic debuff covered so happy mages.
I don’t hear much complaints about mages dominating the m+ ladder since its implementation. Nor any complaints that out of all the dps specs in the entire game the ladder is essentially made up of fire mages, balance druids, mm hunters and then rogues.

the ‘best tank’ in m+ changes every season or every xpac. BFA season 1 was dominated by blood dks (54%), s2 was prot warrior (48%), season 3 was brewmaster monks (37%). season 4 was probably the most balanced between the tanks because of vers scaling with corruption but that’s another thing entirely. tanks will have their day, its just vengeance chance to actually have a spot for once.

yes, I agree, people should play what they want (I have stuck with the same classes regardless of strength because they are fun) but this is a video game and sadly there is always a meta, nothing will be perfectly balanced. and it doesn’t mean you can’t play w.e you want and make it work, but if you want to make your life easier, there’ll always be something to pick from.

until then all this nonsense about ‘all people who played dh should lose their titles and achievements’ is so beyond troll its unreal. get a grip.

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I think you high. BFA S2 says hello. likewise s4 also says hello.
for your ‘there’s only 1 in the top 300’ - Mythic+ Rankings (BFA Season 2) ( my maths might not be great, but I’d say there’s a fair few there. Also, nerftank would like to chat (played prot p.much the entirety of bfa to top few world levels).
On that note also, it seems that prot may again make a rise in m+ with recent buffs, so we’ll see. If it becomes broken again with reprisal and its toolkit, especially with banner changes, you could end up seeing vdh being knocked off the spot again.

what abundance of vengeance in pvp? you high?
the only tank really making any waves in pvp was prot paladin cos you literally could play the game with no healer

in rbg, the meta is balance druid with guardian os. you are 10x more likely to see a guardian fc than a team running a ‘main vdh’. at least at any level of competitiveness. in fact you’re probably more likely to see a meme prot pala in general games cos you basically have another healer in your team fight

cool points. but wherever did i say that


if you dont like me saying that i will keep playing a vdh even if its not meta on a guardian druid char, that’s your problem, not mine. quite ridiculous you’d string me up for saying something like my own honest opinion on something as trivial as this.

utter nonsense.

You wrote a lot, and it’s just about fixing the bug that your class has 
 it’s about eliminating the bug that the creators did not foresee, as well as the error “let go of the past” 
 The claim that now is all right and it can stay like that, because it used to be like that with other tanks, it’s gibberish.
Injustice should not be combated with injustice.
First, the game should work as intended by the creators, to change something later.
Later, we have a situation where, for example, some protection paladin wants to take the key one level higher than he has now. And looking for a group for an hour because everyone prefers to choose a class that will do the same because it’s on top 
 because it’s not properly balanced.

Each season has a meta this one being Rogue,Mage,Boomkin,Holy Pal and DH Tank
Will this fix change the meta? I don’t think so

Should you leave it as it is? 
 How long until the end of the patch or the end of the expansion? Hmm

wowhead’s got something incoming towards trying to fix the issue and compensating for it.

all is well. until the next complaint, i guess.

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I answered all posts in one comment. If you don’t think a point applies to you, chances are it doesn’t. The majority is aimed at the lock and the sham at the start of the post. No point taking offence for someone else.

There’s been bugs for classes every tier and every xpac. The ww bugs for example have had the community begging for fixes since legion. Some work in the positive some in the negative.
Were the bugs in dh case beneficial, probably. As much as the double dmg taken from pelagos trait being bugged was a negative. But was that the reason people chose to play vengeance this tier
no. So a lot of these complaints are kinda coming out of a complete misunderstanding of the situation, how the tank meta works and the role of tanks in different aspects of the game.

No one said ‘it should stay that way’. And for all the whining, it’s already being fixed (or have been fixed in other situations).
What was said was ‘destroying a class that’s been good for a tier because people don’t understand WHY it’s being chosen (especially since it has very little to do with the bugs) is kinda lol.
Again, the raid tank meta is rarely as simple as ‘who does most dmg’ or ‘who is most tanky’, and vdh is neither of those and is still chosen.
The let go of the past bug increased your dmg taken by double value btw, that was the negative. It was the wards having chance to get double value which was the broken bit. But people would still have chosen dh and prot wars this tier regardless because a) they were decently competitive and their weaknesses can be outplayed and b) havoc was awful, especially in single target and prio target dmg.

Destroying a class ‘so no one will ever play it in future xpacs’ is kinda lol.

On top of that, you’re conflating 2 points. Dh having wards double stack (or not since they’ve fixed it) doesn’t make prot paladin any more or less likely than it already is to be brought to a key.
Pala is perfectly viable to play, but they have never made the ‘meta’ any season, this isn’t a new thing. A lot of it comes down to the job they need to do in a key and this season is pretty kite-heavy, something pala isn’t that good at. The same issue blood dk currently has. They also have issues entering the bigger pulls needed in higher keys without having cds or chain pulling to maintain mitigation. They are still more than capable of doing high level keys though. And people do manage it.
Keep queuing is all I can say. I will admit I have had struggles on several classes historically but in the end it hasn’t stopped me pushing decently high keys. Find good players that are likeminded, perform well or better than others and try chain groups. Add people. Don’t give up if you enjoy something. I’ve seen or played with people who have pushed high as feral, surv, enhance, ret pala
 you can do it.


in a way its actually a buff to vdh :slight_smile:
most dmg taken is physical and we’re already arguably the best at magic miti so
 happy days

Yeah, that was my thought as well. We’ve never had a problem with magic damage, even before this bug. If I’m going to die in a dungeon, it’s always physical damage that kills me.

well now they will be:}
I am glad that everyone is satisfied.