Blizz can you bring back the ENTIRETY of our spells gone?

Hard, fun, skill !!!

bfa recount : 40% gushing wound
20% essence and pve trinket
hard fun skill

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To be honest though he does have a point about some useless stuff brought back, especially for mages.

Like, oh wow you brought back frostbolt for every spec, wow that sure is gonna be useful and not just flavor and completely situational. Like, seriously, who gives a f…

I remember when a new expansion meant you get a new fun ability. Rather than old, why not get new spells and not return of the old.

true who gives a F about having situational spells, remove every mage spells and keep fireball and pyro since thats the only spells you need in raid

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They are not just situational, they are virtually useless, just flavor.

Situational spells would be like alter time, which is a good skill.

Yea, you can get a slow, sometimes, what do you have to sacrifice for it? You cannot cast an ability which probably does more for you than what casting frostbolt does.

I am not against bringing back abilities, but at least they should not be there just for the sake of flavor.

you just took the worst example out of like 20 spells/talents removed from mage tho

Make an example of a skill you would reintroduce.

You don’t.
A buff like that is actually a downgrade.

Read beta forums alot of people actually are saying too many buttons ha go figure

Gust of wind.

i willl tell you just for my classeq
for enhance : baseline totems summon that summons 4 of them, incendiary stacks increasing lava lash damage, greater healing wave, shamanistic rage, old windfury, frost weapon, a lot of passives from talents tree got removed too, stoneclaw totem, magic resist totem, the 10% aura attack power buff
arms warrior : recklessness, heroic strike out of gcd, deadly calm, old slam (now deals 0 damage) baseline rend baseline defensive stance and passives from talents tree and glyphs
destro : felflame shadowflame slow, spirit link and remove their imbalanced passive that makes them tankier than a tank
basicaly just reverse class design since now its non existant and spells have nothing that make them connected to each others

for most classes they added spells that doesnt do anything old class design was way better and i will have to leave retail for tbc if they dont care

Yes i do. I don’t care what you think about that buff, it’s my old buff and i want to it back. Good or not.

I can understand that… But motw is dispellable and has a duration. So when you don’t have it, you’re actually weaker than normal. And when it’s up, you’re not really “buffed”, you’re just at your normal state.

I absolutely do not want totems back that are part of the rotation, gtfo with that, they brought back searing for some time in the alpha, and then quickly realized again why they were pruned.

If you want old windfury where should the damage get taken out from to increase the windfury proc damage? I don;t want to go back to a spec that relies on windfury for burst and damage. Forceful winds and doomwinds are fine.

I am in favor of rend baseline only if it bring something to the table other then just being a dot you keep up.

shaman player that refuses to summon his 4 totems once before a fight, yikes
new generation wow player i guess
btw you could summon 4 of them with one spell in case u never played wow before
nevermind u re just a pve player u dont have any arena achievement dont know why i talk about class design with people that only kill bosses therefore only needs spell that deals damage

This is the reason i want it back. Dooh.

Aah Darkness. My old friend.

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Look man, i do not like totems being part of the rotation, i am fine with them as utility/dps cooldowns.

There is a reason why they removed searing, and they quickly relearned it again during shadowlands alpha. So you can sit here and pretend, but at the end of the day it feels bad, also i know that there is a skill that allowed you to summ 4 totems at once. It doesn’t matter it still doesn’t solve one of the core problem with totems

Your point about pve is also pretty dumb. Also you talk as if you are an authority on pvp, but only have about 50 % win rate and 1.8k score, like please.

In the end i agree with the fact that some abilities should be brought back, but not all. Some have been removed for a good reason.

they removed searing because they didnt even implemant it in the 4 totems u could summon instantly and there is no incendiary stacks anymore, not because totems are bad for the game, cba talking with pve players dont even know why u talk about searing only when 90% of totems got removed and they were useful

i have 0 gear and play the worst class and bfa is all about class and gear in case you didnt notice i dont have 40% gushing wound and 15% void lash so i cant win thats how it is also i dont play bfa