Blizz Must Cancel TrashGnomes Allied Race

There was similar scare mongering with the Void Elves, that it would end the Horde and everyone would go Alliance. Didn’t happen.

I’ll be surprised if anyone re-rolls purely for a race. If those who want High Elves wont go Horde to play Blood Elf then I can’t see people going Horde purely to play Vulpera. There are always excpeptions of course but I can’t see it being a significant number.

I see far too many claiming that the majority doesnt like something. Its completely made up numbers sprouted. You have no census to point to as the absolute truth.
Just because you dont like something, it absolutely doesnt make it true that anyone else doesnt like them. And the vocal minority is far more likely to be active on the forums.

I can bet on it for 500k LvL120 trashgnome players will not reach to even 1% of EU Alliance population in a year. If you trust on your claim come at me.

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Well thankfully the furry community is 0.1% of the game and real life so I think you’ll be okay. If anything they are perfectly balanced in that nobody would want to play either.

I doubt that because I logged into my 40LvL Horde warrior yesterday, customized the ui etc and made it ready for Leveling. I am a racist Alliance player and never thought of playing the Horde side before, since 2006.

If even I did that I’m sure Vulpera will be much more succesful Allied Race compared to trashgnomes. I guarantee you.

If you don’t agree they are both as bad as each other then you might be a furry in a denial.

Denial? I have a Worgen DK.

Mechagnomes suck no doubt about it. I would say only ± 1% will reroll one and most of them will do it for their OP racial (which should be nerfed hardcore).
Next alied races: Horde gets undead nelves and alliance gets light undead which will suck even more.
Here is my solution to all this. Blizzard gives us HIGH ELVES with blue eyes and stuff. Then they can give horde any allied races they want. Take all alliance races and give them to horde no one will even care. High elves are the golden ticket out of this.

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If this happens only Satyr allied race would have make me stay on the Alliance side. Otherwise I would change my faction and I’m sure there would be a lot more players changing sides.

That would mean death of Alliance faction completely, except goldshire roleplayers of course.

Ha ha touche, well 99% of non furry people arent ditching alliance to play the Lolita’s of the furry kingdom so I’m sure we’ll all be okay.

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Kek, you are funny arent ya mon

I’ve got to say, I’m pretty disappointed with the mechagnomes. I expected them to be Mimiron esque - Fully robotic, Jeeves looking creatures.

Not normal gnomes with crappy arms. I don’t often like to complain on the forums as there’s plenty of it, but thought I’d add mine to this one. Very lazy reskin job and very disappointed.

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Yea, they are trying to sell us it as an Allied Race but it should’ve been just a customization option for normal gnomes, acquired via a quest similar to Night Elf eyes. That could’ve made Gnome race more appealing as well because of optional appearence change opportunity.

But well, wasted 1 allied race slot. If we were given Ankoans I would consider this situation even comparing to its Horde counterpart. Since they got a different race.

Just because YOU don’t like them, doesn’t make it a mistake.
This game is not made for you specifically. :sunglasses:

Damn I got tired of seeing this same copy paste answer.

Just because you like them, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a mistake.

Have a taste of your own medicine.

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It’s not a mistake if there’s people who like them.
/end of argument.


Look… It’s all subjective. Why do you care so much that they’re there? I mean, really… why? Just let it be.

It is a mistake if people who like them is not even %1 of the Alliance population. /true end of the argument.


Yeah? Soooo mythic raids are a mistake then huh? Kk.
I know, I know that’s not really 1%, but it’s not a big number either (much like your 1% isn’t a real existing number either). WoW also makes content for minority players. So suck it up. It’s a race. You don’t have to play them. So again; why worry about it so much?

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Some people are excited about Mechagnomes, others aren’t. Some are excited by the Vulpera and others hate them. It’s just personal preference. I don’t like every race in the game. No one has to play them all.

How many people asked for void elves?

0%. So logically your conclusion is to scrap them? The fact that people have accepted them now is irrelevant, as the same may change for mechagnomes.

Point is, at time of preAR release nobody was asking for void elves and some ppl were asking for mechagnomes which means technically, if player base popularity is to be used, VE did not make the cut. Right?

I welcome MGs. Gnomes rarely get lore developed. Most expos are humans, orcs, and an incesstent focus on either various races of elfves, or certain powerful individual elves. Occasionally dwarves, forsaken, tauren and draenei get their bits, but they benefit from having main chars in the thick of the story often enough.

Before Gelbin as a raid boss, when was the last time Gnomes got some lore focus? Where their race played something more than just “oh here’s a techy role, let’s have a forgettable Gnome npc do it”? That would be as far back as the Cata/Mop period.

Mechagnomes and the lore of gnomes is a welcome change to the development of a race that continually has their lore and development ignored. Largely because people moan that not enough people like Gnomes, probably because they are not very fleshed out as a race/have no focus. It’s a vicious cycle.

So I’m not sorry for saying I’m looking forward to them, and it’s been awesome to have something of semi big plots involving gnomes instead of elf, human and orc craft for the seventeenth thousand time. Having them as an AR increases the chance blizz will focus more on gnomes in the future as you now have two races that share a lore pool and have the same faction leader representing them.

Now if they could do the same for goblins that’d be ace. The hints of Gallywix being booted are a promising start, because limiting the bilgewater lore to “the guy who leads us is screwing us again, fight him and then forgive him” is beyond one dimensional, and again they’re relegated to “technical support” otherwise in favour of narratives dominated by aforementioned races. I mean Umbric has been in the alliance 5 minutes and the war campaign shoves him in our face so often you’ve think VE joined the alliance before gnomes or worgen.