@Blizz, this is the HONEST Ret paladin Review by SAVIX

Well if blizzard ignores us forever then they’ll lose our subs besides i’ve just heard about a few new mmorpgs comming out soon so blizzard if you arn’t carefull you could risk that those new games gets our money instead and we all know how much you activision loves money.

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their not worried all their rivals self destruct trying to make the next wow killer rather then a good game

Not even if players stopped subbing?

even if every single paladin quit it wouldn’t really impact the game we aren’t the fotm class :stuck_out_tongue:

Well hopefully blizzard will f#¤%¤ up soon there’ll make everyone quit and then they’ll realise what they’ve become and go back to being the legendary blizzard that we all loved and respected.

nah that won’t happen as long as the devil erm i mean Bobby holds the reign

Um who’s bobby?

you play wow and you don’t know who Bobby Kotick is ? his the Ceo of Activision Blizzard he got mad at the community for drawing devil horns on his picture and posting it online a while back

you know someone is greedy when the souless and greedy investors call you out for being greedy

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lol really well i don’t blame those artists for what hes’ done to the company.

I agree with what he says.

But there are more problem than that.

We lost our utility.

AoE Word of Glory
Blessing of Kings
Blessing of wisdom

We are the only one of 2 classes that doesn’t bring a group utility. No damage buff/debuff, no combat res, no heroism. Auras are barely useful and Prot/holy are stronger specs and will bring the silly 3% damage reduction.

Why did they even remove our blessings and AoE heal? Why? It was never even said. They just went poof.

At least give Ret santity aura back. Just give us something. We know you will not let us be a high tier dps to make up for the lack of utility, so at least throw us a bone. Cmon…


If we get northing for for ret then the spec will be dead even for me as we cannot get into any groups then unless it’s to get boosted and i cannot afford that.

The new final reckoning and execution talents look good though atm… even if we always be gonna be cd dependent.
If they only rebuffed a bit WoG and gave us a bit more mobility I would be happy.
I am contemplating leaving the class after 14 years or switching to holy.
Come on blizz make us DECENT

I agree they should give us something to bring to m+ like hey Turiel just signed up for that m+15 and he’s a paladin let’s invite him he can bring word of glory to help out the healer if it gets tough. That’s what i do in bfa but if blizzard removed the aoe heal in shadowlands then we’ll not be invited into any m+ unless it’s being carried.

Guess what? Two of them are passive in BFa and they added in the SL as normal ones which only one can be chosen at the time!

Ret is viable, it’s just really frustrating to play with all the “being kited around” stuff going on…

We can still beat resto druid and mw monks in arena, it’s just frustrating as hell, especially with a demon hunter on the other team. I think they should focus on making the spec less annoying to play - viability is not the only thing…


I’m here to read blizz blue post answer to this. Oh, wait…

yes that is pretty much the problem…

it is so triggering to play.
You setup your burst, and people just rp walk away from you and you cannot do anything anymore.

on beta you just want to kill yourself when you play against affli locks

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just started playing Ret pally :confused: has been my first character to level to 60 etc…

My first character was a paladin Recently started playing him again but man skills are so bad most of the time you spend auto attacking waiting for a skill to come of cooldown They removed blessings for auras why they they do it
I hate the auras :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Really ?! no ,it’s a joke ?