Blizz wants Nelfs to be in the Horde?

Unique things about Night Elves race:

  1. Druids. :white_check_mark: - added to the Horde since Classic.
  2. Demon Hunters. :white_check_mark: - added to the Horde since Legion.
  3. Wardens. :white_check_mark: - added to the Horde since BfA.
  4. Sentinels. :white_check_mark: - added to the Horde since BfA.
  5. Priestess of Elune. - well not exactly priestess, but still since BfA Blizzard have added trolls to the Horde that worship Elune. :white_check_mark:
  6. Night Elves ancient cities. :white_check_mark: - Suramar added to the Horde since Legion.
  7. Unique emotions, dances, a way of swim etc. :white_check_mark: - a new race that has everything like Nelfs, was added to the Horde since Legion.

-and now, in 8.3. Horde npc will sell Night Elves racial mount to the Horde players, right in the Hordes city…

So question is, why Blizzard adding unique things that Night Elves had to the Horde? Are they are doing it to split Night Elves fan base, and to force some of them to join the Horde? For some balance reasons?

Or are they are planning to move all the elves inside one faction, and this is just a small preparation?


Where’s this bit of info. I must have missed it.


Same mount for both factions.
A rare color for a nightsaber, and rarely seen, they are prized amongst huntresses.” sold to the Horde players in the Horde city.


Not any different than other mounts that were originally from one faction.
I thought you meant to OLD original mountsaber mounts for a moment

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You are stealing belfs so we are stealing nelfs :nauseated_face:


Are you ready for factionless pve?


How did you end up to this question? I am totally puzzled of this logic. Blizzard would never force anyone to change faction, it would be absolute madness. Even if they would (which i doubt) make third faction, joining it would definately be voluntary.

When it comes to rest of our post, i agree night elves are handled really badly lately. I don’t think problem is who sells what mounts or such minor things, but more like how we are presented and (missing) night elf precence in parts of the story where it would have been a must (Nazjatar for example). Teldrassil fiasco also has not been handled, same with Darkshore. Night elfs used to be mystical poweful race now we are some weird sidekicks for humans and that’s it. I personally wish we would leave alliance and let Anduin handle his own wars.


Or how about we change our faction leader all together because he ain’t cut out for the job.I already have 3 candidates for his role:

  • Tyrande
  • Jaina
  • Greymane.

As we didn’t have enough elfs already you want to punish us with even more? This game needs a second Arthas to purge some pointy ears already.


Well we like elf’s thus we play Alliance I am not a fan of Greenskins brutish and tusk races.

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I think blizz rather wants to remove that race altogether

They already removed every reason to play an alliance night elf in BfA, so maybe they will just either add them to the horde or remove them at some point. Nobody really wants to play a race that has absolutely nothing left now including no future (Night Elves).


Would help but to be honest night elves should ditch humans, just because they refused to help with Darkshore. I gotta say i have been really shocked of that part of the story, that part of alliance refused help for otherpart and then it was left like that, with no big story starting from that. They could have written it for such a good and emotional story, nelves walking out, horde attacking Stormwind, nelves not helping because too busy in fighting at Darkshore (in fight that would have been already won if humans would have come to help in first place…), Anduin dying in that attack (oops… :upside_down_face:). Basically putting some consequnces for alliance not sticking together in the first place.


Face it blues, is your time to suffer morally grey quality writing. We’ve carried the burden for too long.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly on that one but what you are suggesting is making Nelfs a 3 faction and moving away from the Alliance they could do that but it still feels weird removing core race of the alliance because Anduin is a useless tool.

No no. We kick humans out from alliance! :laughing:


But the what about my Halicos what becomes of him :speak_no_evil:?.

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On serious note, that good story could be written in the way alliance will join back together on the end even stronger. It wouldn’t have required actual game mechanical faction split (just look how it was done in horde side). And even in story part humans could take sides (go against Anduin) and join night elves side.


Night elves have been threated badly since cataclysm.

That is also the reason i dont think blizzard will add the night elves to the horde.
It would mean giving the night elves good things.
And blizzard has been consistant in there actions:
Night elves get screwed over, humans will magicly win the war offscreen and forgive the horde, dwarves, gnomes and dreanei dont exist, lightforged follow the dreanei in being human sidekicks, and void elves are only alliance because the blood elf kicked them out.
If you arent jaina, genn or andiun you dont mather. Tyrande and malfuriln only get enough attention to shut the night elf fans up.

Meanwhile on the horde we have orcs that will murder anything alsong someone shouts: For the horde! Be it a 4 year old child or an old god. Scream for the horde loudly enought and a ork will kill it.
Tauren are the token good guy who just want to live in peace but fight for the horde because they believe in standing by there friends even if said friends are “former” child murderers. The darkspear are canabals who gave up on canabalism to join the horde.
Like the tauren they mostly just want to live in peace and only fight to support there friends in the horde, elves(both) are isolasionist who just want to live in there land and would let the rest of the world burn aslong it doesnt effect them(so would night and void elves. It is an elfish thing). They only send troops because they must but would much rather let others deal with problems while they are feeding on mana.
The goblins work for money and hold the monopoly on horde tech and construction.
Alot of money to be made when you dont have to worry about safety or morals.
The highmountain taurens are just like the taurens.

So basicly: the alliance is the human empire in all but name and the horde has become the alliance.

Blizzard given the night elves to the horde means finding new punching bags and given the night elves good stuff. And blizzard has shown time and again to never allow the night elves anything good.
Even there overpowered racial is buggy.


You take that back Hali :open_mouth: they are all beautiful in their own way… I play both sides all races.

Happy holidays my friend :purple_heart:


Blizzard could do much more with each of the races.
Let them follow their own path, make their own mark on the world.

It should be race first, faction second. Not the other way around.
Their identity should not be almost completely made up as being human-Alliance sidekicks or orc-Horde sidekicks.