Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In The War Within

It must be nice going into 9.1.5 in the current state with the aoe cap removal for everyone /s

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It’s not the shadow we know anymore, It’s just spec to apply 2 dots and feel useless in aoe fights and holy priest is a fiesta. I’m still waiting for the remake to happen that blizzard gets paid for in 9.2. were is our aoe?

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They gave your Psychic Link (Talent) a 10% buff now you almost not feel terrible.

The only way they could make it compete in that row is if they made it generate insanity and buffed its damage more, otherwise no one will ever take it over AS or SCrash ever.

Besides the reason people took that talent in 9.0 was due to Talbadar which buffed mind blast. 10% is pretty bad imo.

Both disc and shadow are so off putting for m+ .
Lack of aoe .
Terrible rotations even with unfurling and damnation .
The shadowy apparitions are dunno what the hell are those .
I wanna see a rework for this class either i’m never going to touch it again .

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I think it could be improved a lot by making the following changes:

  • Searing nightmare generates up to 5 shadowy apparitions which deal damage and generate insanity. This would help with the fact that mind sear can’t generate enough insanity or damage in small packs.
  • Make searing nightmare baseline.
  • Replace misery with a talent that changes searing nightmare to apply no damage or shadows, but applies vampiric touch along with the shadow word pain it already applies. This would make psychic link and auspicious spirits more viable and massively cut down on ramp up time.
  • For the talent where searing nightmare used to be, make it a talent where searing nightmare refreshes the duration of mind sear, so you don’t have to keep recasting mind sear or worrying about the GCD from searing nightmare delaying the mind sear cast.

Can see more about it in my post: My suggested Shadow Priest changes for 9.1.5

yeah in some topics i agree in some i don’t they just need to rethink the class completely and do away with the void

this would be better but with a point and click like blizzard activates passive mind sear while channeling mind sear during searing night mare.

would be good but to op. I think something blizzard needs to do is check out for example frost mage is over tuned with ice lance doing 1mil damage, Shadow has like no 1 spell combo that other classes has because main focus of blizzard isn’t there when it comes to making classes fun to play. Shadow now feels less fun in any current cleave fight now than it did before void form. They need to rethink their classes and make spells that are fun again come back being fun to use. They need To not use like a clunky Talent system choices for cleave which are like the whole talent row for lvl 30 in shadow priest talent choice like the worst expack of shadow priest In my own opinion. Yes yet i play hoping they strike gold again making my specc and class fun.

The Talent system needs to be dealt with or removed baked in to passives you gain while lvling instead. My own opinion.

In the post I linked I explained it a bit more - searing nightmare could have its own unique type of shadowy apparitions, maybe give them a different name and look, then those specific shadows can be tuned so it won’t be too op, and leave the other shadows as they are. This way they can have the freedom to tune shadow priests smaller pack damage without affecting the bigger pulls damage too much.

shadow needs a brand new spell sort of blizzard or rain of fire or hell fire like.

I’m not sure what you mean, can you explain it in more detail?

Maybe my suggestion would be a bit too powerful since you’d be able to just spam the searing nightmare button, and you’d get about a 33% damage boost over time on large packs, since you won’t have to waste every 3rd SN on refreshing mind sear. So maybe the talent could be something more like:

  • Searing nightmare refreshes mind sear cast, searing nightmare does 33% less damage, searing nightmare shadows do 33% more damage (or generate more insanity for more SN casts). Something like that :smiley:

That way you can limit the large pack damage without hurting the small pack damage too much. Overall I am just trying to fix the weak small pack aoe damage, without making the large pack aoe damage too op (or too weak). I think this does solve it, and it would be nice to have something more imaginative, but I’m trying to keep it simple and easy so it might have a slim chance of actually happening one day :smiley:

Idk, if you mean searing nightmare should be replaced with that kind of ability, then wouldn’t it make it a bit too similar to ele shaman? I kind of like that shadow priest is a bit different.

not replaced only that they should add one new aoe spell

I think what blizzard needs to do is redesign shadow completely after this expack is the worst aoe spec to play as of 2021

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thellanah canyou please stop necriong this post with your fiftheen alts?
You know there are sites where you can check someones alt characters right?..3/4 of these posts are you talking to yourself…its getting a bit sad man.


am talking about when the packs is too much for misery to handle when a mage can just stand do blizzard and druid just starfall and paladin just divinestorm and we are there still with that odd lvl 30 choice that helps nothing in gameplay.

blizzard needs to add something or make searing Nightmare a baseline. Like a mage can do 70% of their damage in to one ability while am trying to apply dots that does nothing or searing nightmare that does 1 third of what frost mages blizzard do or paladins divine storm does. Their excuse is to buff a dead gameplay mechanic such as surrender to madness and just to hide the fact this version of shadow is sad compared to WOD or Cata’s Shadow Priest. Blizzard just don’t want passive damage classes yet they buff passive damage on other classes, but nerf the living heck out of Shadowy Apparitions what good does a void bolt do against 30 adds fight this is not a rant am just waiting for their actions to make a better gameplay for shadow this beta version feels not fun and holy priest is also something i could talk about but am mainly focusing on what i feel shadow has become and what it should be.

I am not so pleased of what shadow has become. Now they put all their focus in to one ability and that is mind blast like i understand that its cool and all, but mind blast ain’t an aoe and nor will it ever be. unless blizzard gives us the passive of [Psychic Link].

Am on about the talent three route has fulfilled its purpose in this expack they either need to redo it or fix it because its a drag having to respecc for each specific thing just to even be viable for 2% more damage while other classes can just go down one route and stick with it.

I know i probably get some lover people telling me oh its fun you have choices while i don’t and for these people I will imply these choices ain’t on par what shadow should have in their arsenal blizzard are just bit in vacation mode at the momment due to COvid-19 and all. So I think they will do something to put shadow back again.

I could also go on a rant about how much haste a shadow priest needs whilst the other classes don’t due to raid gear not dropping good stuff in end bosses with haste on it- its all cloth versatilitedty gear- and haste making our dots somewhat tick maybe one more time of what that blizzard does in a semi sec.

I could also go with their covenant Choice making Night Fae 100% better than all other covenants due to an op reset void form CD which ain’t at all too op.

but HEY! that’s just flavour talk. :wink:

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ah the “nf is 100% better” talk again.

thats probably why every top parsing PvE shadow is Necro.

Remove SN and add more dmg for Mind Sear. SN is so useless and annoying!

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Searing Nightmare is annoying and wonky, void form is like a beta version of what a Monks aoe or the spell blizzard of frost mage. but i think blizzard is around a bend not looking at the moment its only flowers and roses.

Its ok that a monk does 57k aoe while im on 8k in a cleave trying to apply dots.

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