Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing, given how little shadow brings to the table elsewhere in its kit.

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very true overall tbh. Shadow doesnt have alot going for it currently

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Not only is our AOE weak, but our scaling seems to be way below all other classes atm.

Early on in the both dungeons and Season 1 release, SP was doing pretty fine with the gear people were hovering around. Like 180-185. But then as the ilvl grew on every other class, the powerspike with mages for example, just skyrocketed.

Meanwhile SPs are falling behind.

The sad truth for a SP right now, is that we can’t find a M+ team unless you’re playing with irl friends and by doing that you’re gimping the group.

Another thing to note is that SPs also scale bad in raids. We have our time to shine in like 1-2 fights in Nathria but thats only if other classes mess up or gets spammed by mechanics. In there, if the raid doesn’t have 1-2 healing priests, the more serious guilds will make you give PI to other DPS.


Its the lack of shadows movement dps instant cast ability’s on demand ability’s are so dull compared to hunters/mages/druids/shamans/ list goes on

at this point i don’t know what they can do with shadow to address how boring it is that our major dps increases has a cast timers. druid/mage (insert any other class) just spam bam instant cast. they have literally no cd on their damage increase ability’s.

tbh i dont think this is boring, if anything its the major attraction for me to the specc.

a Spellcaster, that actually casts, i think this new Bunnyhop 360 JumpBounceInstaCastJump meta is incredibly boring and illogical for a casting role.

if this spam bam instant cast exists in so many classes… why does it also need to be Spread to spriest?, we dont need to be Like the other casters.

tbh its very easy.

  • Rework Eternal of the Void.

  • Change Mind flay to Summon Void Tendrils which channel MindFlay.

  • Remove the Cast time on Void Eruption. While Void Eruption is active we Can move while casting Mind Blast

  • Remove Mind Seer.

  • Summon Void Lasher - Summon a Tentacle that Slams the targets infront of it.

  • Change Misery to the other way around - Shadow word Pain also applies Vampriric Touch

and u have a fully mobile specc :stuck_out_tongue: the issue is… we’d be like a Mash of Half a unholy DK, Half a Affliction Warlock with random rubbish thrown in.

which is something the specc defintly doesnt need :stuck_out_tongue: but it’d Prolly make us almost equal to BMs ability to move on 100% DPS XD


Blockquote tbh its very easy.

Blockquote * Rework Eternal of the Void.
Blockquote* Change Mind flay to Summon Void Tendrils which channel MindFlay.
Blockquote* Remove the Cast time on Void Eruption. While Void Eruption is active we Can move while casting Mind Blast
Blockquote* Remove Mind Seer.
Blockquote* Summon Void Lasher - Summon a Tentacle that Slams the targets infront of it.
Blockquote* Change Misery to the other way around - Shadow word Pain also applies Vampriric Touch

and u have a fully mobile specc :stuck_out_tongue: *

somehow feel bit happier reading that

haha xD it’d prolly be the fastest way to implement the moibility of the specc. the question is. would it be a good change fdrom a Playstyle PoV XDD…

as this would effectively turn us into somewhat atleast semi-pet orintated.

Dealing with Its Ranges (as they dont move) and move may prove a annoyance.

but they prolly should do something to make movement feel less Bad, so it’d prolly have to be somewhere between what we have now and that concept xD

They should just overhaul shadow’s aoe and maybe remove mind flay from the game and give us something like mind spike back


If anything I think the nerf to AS was too much, they should buff it back to 30% dmg increase instead of 15%.

I feel as if the nerf was bit too much too

Yeah the nerfs did defiantly prove unneeded xD.

Imho they could also baseline SN, it’s weird that the specc only has 1 insanity spender and no AoE alternative.

Undo the nerfs

Then buff SN by 15-20% and see what happens 🤷

We are at the point where the class is doing waaaay lower DPS then other classes so it cant go all that wrong. And I doubt SN will dominate the PvP meta so it won’t be a problem there


Really is sh**t…Might go for another class now… have a 205 SP, and it’s really not performing.

Also now with the “New” bug fix stat Mast. added…
We went from S tier to B tier now in raiding and in mythic… it’s a disgrace what they did to the class.

Maby give us the Shadow app. back like in BFA? in BFA and pre-patch we really were pumping bigg juicy dps…

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uh but here i thought removing voidform will fix everything ???

SN needs to die

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only if traded for a baseline Insanity AoE Spender.

Spriest is not top tier, but it’s faaaaaaaar from bad. It actually pumps really hard and big aoe and on ST. (coming from a ±220 ilvl geared mythic raider)


i was talking to a Mythic Raider Spriest Last night, hes been benched forthe last 2 bosses on mythic progression :stuck_out_tongue:

yes in Static ST and 5+ Targets the specc can perform, but it lacks answers to multiple Situations between that… in a Expansion which has Limited a TON of DPS to 5 target cleave… meaning rarely are u pulling that quantity of monsters in a M+ Situation.

Hes Litterally rolling a boomkin to do M+ even tho he finds it one of the most boring things currently just because he doesnt want his friends to hate their lives trying to do 20+ Keys.

and u can make the argument “yeah but most arent doing +20 Keys” and sure thats accurate, but Metas Trickle into low content and the community perception pushs the outliers away.

His boomkin having far less investment less gear and overall less play already out DPSes his shadow priest.

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Yeah our damage when needed is far from good compared to mage hunters paladins and what nots. Major reason given is our legendarys compared to other classes arnt aoe Locked we got [Talbadar’s Stratagem] and that’s it. Whilst druid got their free starfalls and paladin their on demand increased divine storm and mage just prox their instant burst as fire / frost. saw a fire mage and druid boomy just destroyed dps at 14k whilst im at 3-4k doing mind sear.

yeah i am considering trying a different class.

not boomy tho xD their boring AF To play.

Try Frost mage or Fire mage you be at 14k dps constantly no chore blizzard never nerfs those specc’s, you can basically have ilvl 187 and outperform a ilvl 205 shadow priest as fire mage, all you need is the 190 legendary bis.

either that or hope shadow gets buffed xD

is frost that strong now? o.o

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