yep agree to that or bring back instant casts.
- All damage increased by 13%.
last min change lol
Yep caste timers pure garbage _
not quite so just a tad too much keys and no carry on keeping dots up/spread wider
Personally i think the should rebrand shadow crash to void crash during dark ascension/void form make it spread dots even wider remove void bolt add to it instead so it spreads dot wider and carry’s on like warlocks rain of fire.’t%20asked%20Blizzard%20for%20a%20second%20charge%20or%20a%2010%20sec%20CD%20since%20it%20first%20cane%20out. ← not the only people on Eu usa too.
remake ← so shadow crash has a chance on reset and hit for a ton of dmg if you press is instead. (make it reset or have a chance like divine purpose paladin talent to be casted again like divine storm.)
part from that shadow is decent but very stale when it comes to dotting still.
Just rework shadow crash.
make dark ascension instant cast.
not the only one
Could you please make it an instant cast? (Dark Ascension)
also make shadow crash in to a double stack like mind blast.
Make void torrent cast faster.
also make Mind spike talent
in to a 2 stack instead of 3 stack
also buff up and give
as a baseline.
Just gonna say fix shadow crash
The rotation is annoying as hell. add back cascade or something