Blizzard must the the worst company when it comes to costumer support!

iv played wow for 17 years and this is the worst case i ever been treated like i made a US stater account on my eu account brought the war with in epic edition first time it faild secos time it worked and its still pending banktransferd got trough the bank now blizzard holdling the the money for review and have done that for 2 days still havent confirm the the money my brohter payed them with his card like he uselry do i contected support but always get support with ai generated messeges witch kinda sucks i alsy checked my trasnactions history iin america tab in trasnaction my us copy sent there anymore but money still says on my borthers phone that the bank has accepted the payment and blizz holding my money ií dunno what i shoudl do anymore support dosent help nothing dose iam kinda diseppoined this is why blizzard shoudl have globald servers so everyone can play with everyone

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Disappointing thread, thought OP was discussing this;

A costumer providing their support in choice of costumes.


I didn’t read your thread because there is 0 paragraph and 0 punctuation, however I agree with the title.


iam dyslextic dose it tell you something dont be mean


My father is dyslexic and writes better than this. Just take your time, it’s very difficult to understand anything you’re trying to say. Of course if english is not your native language I do commend you because my attempt would be 3 words and mostly emojis.

I think you are trying to say that due to technical issues, blizzard are charging your brother twice for purchasing The War Within, but you only have one copy?

I would give them the weekend, bank stuff is always slow at the weekend and more than likely it will resolve itself.


This sounds very similar to this issue from CS that was answered

If payment fails you haven’t paid. If I try to pay and it fails my bank is usually not allowing the payment. Especially as you are trying to buy something overseas and not for this region.

I then have to get my bank to understand it’s me and then I can just do the purchase again.


He also has a thread here:

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