Blizzard needs to reintroduce AP to save wow

we cannot blame diablo 4, or summer. The problem is content is expensive and not rewarding. I returned back for M+, but after 2500 there is nothing rewarding. M+ is just gold sink with bad balance and toxic people. Why don’t M+ reward people with some tokens which can be used to boost ALTs. For example if you get 45 tokens from running keys you can make your 1 level alt 45 level, or you can use tokens for other things i don’t know. Same thing is true for raid, you cannot pug mythic, and other difficulties is not rewarding. Why should a player spend huge amount of time for 441 ilvl gear on heroic difficulty.

It’s obviously a broad term, but a lot of players don’t play in organized group and even if you do play with a group, your schedules don’t always align. Having solo content you can do to progress you char provides a lot of content to players.

Maybe it’s time for people like you who barely want to play wow to move on to other games and let the devs design the game for those of us who actually want to play it.

Players were literally begging for them to turn it into daily resets again at the start of the expansion because there was nothing to do. They planned on doing it, but ultimately changed their mind because they decided to cater to the loud minority again. They said they’d implement other types of content, but that never came.

For all of BFA’s faults the game was nowhere near as empty as it currently is.

I disagree. Casual players care just as much about progressing their characters. They weren’t as extreme to the point where they’d spam Maw of Souls for it, but casual players loved unlocking artifact traits as well to become more powerful.

I don’t disagree that gearing was too fast this patch, but it was the same last patch. It’s obviously worse now with the upgrades + crafted gear being a lot stronger, but participation in 10.0 was also low. Everyone was still just raidlogging.

I mentioned this in my post. There was a lot of noise from the vocal part of the playerbase in regards to this, but it’s impossible to say if this opinion was shared by the majority or not. We only heard from the vocal minority. You have to remember that the people who talk on forums/twitch/youtube make up a small percentage of the playerbase.

I disagree. Unlocking artifact traits & essence slots while also buffing said powers was an adequate reward for most players. Which is why people did it.

Is that why nobody is playing DF?

By that logic no content in this game is inherently fun. Remove gear from Mythic+ or Raids and it dies over night. The overwhelming majority of players do content in this game for the rewards.


Preference towards non-scheduled content doesn’t preclude group content through automated (or manual) match making.
And this IS an MMO by the way, so advocating for solo content to be the center of attention seems delusional.

As opposed to you, who’s obviously representing a majority? :smiley:

There’s a difference between unlocking progression at your own pace and grinding your brains out through artificially gated repetitive daily/weekly content that’s so boring most players consider it torture.
If this is the only way blizz can get people to log in then just let the game die.

The lack of players is because the content they’ve released this expac sucks.


Well I’m playing it and i would welcome the return of AP as much as a I would welcome a jockstrap with a cactus in it.

Absolutely atrocious system simply designed to keep people subbed to keep themselves relevant.

A return to AP is not going to lure tens of millions players back.

No, people did it because they HAD TO to remain relevant and do the content they wanted to, else risk being excluded by the community, and even their own team.
Gear in this scenario of doing M+ (content someone might want to do) is a by product, albeit also a necessity.

While we cannot say how big the % was of whom shared this view, the fact when this was being discussed on the forums, and everywhere else, no one objected and said nope its an awesome system outside of possibly 2 people, would suggest that if we scaled the debate up the representation wouldn’t change too massively.

Now take titanforging by comparison, this was a very fiercely contested debate, that even to this day divides the ‘Vocal Minority’ pretty close to middle even to this day.

I see.

You want to reintroduce what killed the game to stsrt with


nah just keep paying your sub and mentally AFKing like you always do. Just use the FP to fly from one edge of the map from the other/ Try to learn to turn your camera with your mouse. SO much you could be doing.

Amazing you can look at third party data but not learn how to play the game. Insane

While I can totally see that, I also want to remind you that players not participating in harder content don’t need the relevant item level in the first place.

If you never want to study at a private College you won’t need to save money for it.


Nope. Don’t miss it one bit and i disagree anyone wants it back but you. There is no clamoring for it’s return.

Summer months are the wrong time of the year to do statistic analyses.

I hope we never see make you play metrics like the AP grinds ever again. They have no place in a subscription based game. It’s the kind of thing you expect in free to play games.

People are sick of chores. They finally listened with DF and it’s bliss.


AP is the worst idea ever.


DF is a great expansion. That no one plays.
If the main metric for an expansion’s success is that you’re not “forced” into it, and you can go weeks without playing it… Why even play it? :rofl:


So wow players actually want a daily list of chores to complete ? Mobile and Korean MMO are better in that regards !

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Sure. But no other game in the industry does this. ALL other F2P games do this:

Why would Blizz (that is owned by Mr. Bobby) do any different? What would make this company so special to make it the only one in the world that does F2P and has 0 pay2win schemes?

And someone quoted D4 out there. May I remind you Diablo Inmortals? The company that did THAT can be trusted not to do a pay2win scheme with a F2P wow?


No thanks. Subscription. There is no other way.

the participation numbers dropped after 2 expansions of AP systems -.-

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AP, Titanforging and Legendaries in Legion made everything rewarding even made previous tier tiersets worth pursuing, now only instanced content is fractionally as rewarding even then its kinda boring to gear especially with all this currency crest nonsense.


2 expansions where they tried to reinvent tiersets in an incredibly lazy and bizarre way and removed any class identity from them