Blizzard we need to talk

It’s very doubtful that most people will even recognise the name Arthas, those that do probably play WoW and will like it anyway. Don’t tell people how to treat their child.


Hope he becomes Arthus - The Actor … Congratulations

Is that all?

Grats op!

IM glad Kids nowerdays dont bully annymore, so IM sure that name wont cause anny problems for him at school.

I do also wish u co gratulations with you’re newborn, and May he give alot of joy.

Congrats to you both! <3

It’s so awesome to read stories like this.

I hope one day, your Arthas doesn’t purge your entire city!

Teach him to be good! Also, teach him to be your gold/mount farmer!

If you ever decide to have another baby and it’s a girl. Call her Calia to match!

Congrats again <3

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But i find it kinda weird when parents name they are kids , after characters from big franchises (especially ones owned by big corps )
You never know when another bad reboot may kick in “cough” Star Wars “cough”
Also never say this to him “What is this ? What are you doing my son” you have been warned

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i feel bad for kid name arthes aw but ye Congrats

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Thank you all for the wonderful replies :slight_smile: He got home late last night and the fun begins.

Him and Mum (Shammy) are doing well.


Depends on how much haste and mastery you have :wink::wink::joy::joy:


It may of even been an instant cast.


I’m glad you found love and had a child.
Can’t say I’m thrilled about giving children a name inspired by videogames or TV shows though.
I feel bad for all the Daenerys & Arthas when they’ll be in their 20’s and beyond.

Or one shotting the boss lol


Congratulations! :grin:


Just hope you & your kid don’t one day go “What are you doing my son?” “Succeeding you, Father” :stuck_out_tongue:

Once he’s 18 or whatever “adult” is in your country, show him AD Goldshire. “This entire city must be purged”.

If only. He’s gonna spam /rw every 15 minutes or so because he can, so he’s obviously more important than you now. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Prepare to regret your life choices & question your judgment.

Now this might be going a bit too far, as the whole “pyromania, tantrum throwing, genocide” thing goes, but insulting your own faction is irredeemably bad, and Sylvanas has her own creepy fans. You DON’T want creepy fans to get ideas about your kids.

Yeah, they might not like being named such just because parent/-s liked something. Or they might end up as the target of all those snappy lines from W3, FT, WoW and hate you for being the cause of it. See “WTF you doing my son” part :slight_smile:

Congratulations!. Love and respect for you and your family.

Congrats :tada:

Be carefull of what You wish for fellow warrior: Have you never heard the tale of the warrior who meet the warlock ?

No of course you haven’t , it is not a story that the jedi would tell : one day a handsome and strong warrior get to help an old lady as she is her neighbor, said old lady had a daughter that was not maried or engaged.

After some time and knowing each others the warrior is then invited to the old lady’s house and told to enter the warlock /daughter room and talk to her, brash and fiery the warrior goes in … odd things she played wow too and they start talking, the end of the story alas I am afraid doesn’t feet for the present forum.


Was the warrior, Darth Grovi the wise?

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