Blizzard you are losing players like this

There are a lot of returning players like me who wanted to give blizzard activision one last benefit of the doubt, but cant play due to queues.

Only one fresh pvp server for whole europe? Cmon this is the peak of incompetence.

(Easy solutution add another fresh pvp realm and faction cap it. Will help faction balance immensely AND/ OR Merge the 2 fresh pvp servers later on).

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Blizzard have said they will not add another realm for Fresh. A server is not a realm.

“Blizzard have said they will not add another realm for Fresh. A server is not a realm.”

Thats why i make this post, because i think they make a huge mistake by not adding another server or any other way to reduce queues for the single fresh pvp server thekal atm.

(Just because they initially said they wont add another server doesnt make it written in stone if in handsight the demand is higher)

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The best solution for now is adding language based fresh realms. Adding more En PvP realms will create monofactional realms again.

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The best solution for now is adding language based fresh realms. Adding more En PvP realms will create monofactional realms again.

That also sounds good, either way goes if it fixes queues

20 minutes ago bluepost in US Forum for a new pvp realm. So we can hope.

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y i just saw, seems blizzard realizing the issue. Good to hear

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