Bloodlust/heroism chaining

Your suggestion would hurt the raid even more. If groups are locked during combat then swapping for mana tide or tremor is not possible either.

Good take tho.

The fact that in tbc you have to swap shamans from groups in and out to get full
benefits from heroism/lust makes me not want to play tbc it realy needs to be adressed and fixed. 1 heroism per 15min cd per raid ( I forgot duration of heroism/lust ) seems okey’ish . Because shaman stacking for raid for heroism group swaping is same bad idea/ bad design as drums meta or world buffs in classic.


Or add the sated buff and make it raid wide.


I agree as well. It will be tedious and meta defining.

On the other hand, considering how class stacking is so popular nowadays (every raiding guild min max to some degree and small roster means even more optimisation), I am afraid that nerfing Bloodlust chaining means not many will level or boost to play as Enh shaman.

Which is a shame because they already spent the whole of Classic as “meme” getting laughed at and deserve a place in the sun now in BC. I remember them being one of the coolest / best specs to bring along back then. The idea of guilds cutting them from their roster for more warlock / hunter is not really appealing tbh.

With or without bloodlust shamans will not be cut. Enhancement especially. They are too usefull. There is reason why you want 5 of them: for every group to have totems.

TBC we get the wrath of air totem healing and spell damage on wind slot. With salvation from paladins there is no reason not to have a shaman in your group. If there is fear/poison/disease we can dispell the entire group. STR and AGI totems that stack with kings. WF for extra tank threat and melee damage. I’m not sure if mana spring stacks with wisdom but if it does the mana gained will be significant. This is all without putting in a single talent point.

Enha gives his party a flat 10% AP buff when he crits. His rotations allows him to totem twist when everything is on cd and not run out of mana while doing so.

Elemental gives his party 3% spell crit and hit allows that party to waste less gear in hit stat and get pieces that will actually increas their damage done.

Resto with the talent rework just scales really well with healing power on chain heal. It’s coefficient is almost 100%! Burst aoe healing will be done better by the priests as cicle of healing is overpowered as sin in TBC. An instant aoe party heal on your target with no cd. But it has a bad scaleing because it’s instant and it will eat the priests mana away rapidly if it’s spammed. Throw in the improved mana tide and earth shield and they are just really good.

There is no reason not to try to get 5 shamans in your raid. Also it wasn’t untill wrath when they made Enha use AGI as main stat. So Enha in TBC wants gear that nobody else wants STR mail. Elem wants spell damage mail. Resto wants healing mail. We don’t have competition on our gear unless we want to take leather or cloth pieces.


ok can we for love of good parses, buff all underperforming dps classes to be on par with Warlock and Hunter aswell ? :slight_smile:

That’s not how parses work bud. Good take tho.

I hope you’re right. I plan on maining orc enh as well in TBC. It would be a shame to face the same kind of meta wall i faced on my feral in Classic. I was warlock in OG BC but had crush on enhance later on.

oh yea mb, mixed up parses comparison with general dps comparison.

but y i still want buffs for underperforming dps speccs aswell then, so we can all compete fair and square :smirk:

yes you right but you must admit that swaping shamans during raid groups to get full benefits from each shaman heroism/blood lust is really bad design and I would be really surprised if thats what blizzard intended to do in tbc for shamans and raid encounters.

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I like that Idea but its not that dps melee classes do low dps in raids, they are fine but the problem is that A LOT of tbc bosses mechanics are not melee friendly thats all to it.

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It really is bad design, but they never intended people to do that

its not only the dps comparison between melee and range.
for fair Dps they could buff Mage, Boomkin, Ele to be on par with WL and Hunter aswell :smirk:


I agree. Specific class or few specific classes stacking in raids is just stupid idea makes other classes less viable and people then build agenda ( ideology that those classes are good and those are bad ) makes unfun and unfair experience and again bad game design. Then you probably would say to me, don’t like it ? - go back to retail and I give you that, okey thats fair.

You can either go to retail or wait for wrath if you want those changes. Dont ruin tbc for the rest of us.

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I wouldn’t say no to the sated debuff coming with TBC. And it wont destroy anything for anyone. It will result in everyone getting bloodlust/heroism instead of pumper-group only and actually make it more fun for everyone. And since it applies to everyone, logs will stay competetive and even more fair than if you simp your way into the bloodlust pumper group when the rest of your class buddies on logs are never seeing a bloodlust buff. Plus the content will be harder. Wich is good too. I really don’t see any negatives with implementing it.


The real problem is that you don’t need any other healer if you have 5 resto shamans, so all paladins, priests, and druids will suffer.

I’m flat out confused. Was that intentional you link one part of what I said? Rest of it already deny that would happen? What was there to achieve? Troll?

This change would not make Shamans any less valuable either. When ever this topic comes up on reddit or forums there’s Shamans always saying that then you bring 5 Resto Shammies and no one needs for example Ele or Enhancement Shammies. That won’t absolutely be the case at any point. Resto Shammies are great, but you want max 2-3 max.
Even if blizzard agrees and they hopefully fix bloodlust/heroism, you still do want at least one Holy Paladin to tank heal Priest/druid to help with the raid and Blooms on tanks. Ele shaman will still be needed for Warlocks and 1-2 enhancements for Tanks and Hunter group. This would not change.

You can’t really chain drum in the same group, that’s 3.3min of drum up time, and it’s not optimal. More likely is BL in 4grps when you have to nuke, or at start and then swap the 5th shammy for the hunters to get a BL after they FD. So you do 1 swap

That’s so far from the private server meta that has been going on for years. Dunno where you got that from