It’s a hell lot harder to fix the broken link than simply copy/paste the formatted one.
I always forget about that format thingy
on topic though I’m pretty sure this is graphic settings related
I just found out its happening in other games too actullay anyone using nvidia gpu knows how to fix this? Blurry effect, Its really hard to see/read names etc
Yeah it’s the same for me, I think you just have to turn the settings higher for it to fix itself
Nop , i tired in different games on ultra settings, blurry effect is still there, Its because of new nvidia gpu i got
I tried all of the above options for AA , Some works better some worse, but never the same yesterday was clean texts with lowest graphics Its clearly a my new gpu problem its happening in other games anyone with nvidia gpu here had same issues ? Its probably drivers or something but i downloaded newset drivers
Have you got the driver to apply AA. In my limited experience it applies it to the Ui too?
Im new to nvidia i just downloaded nvidia gefore experience and nvidia control panel, after restarting my pc every game is just kinda blurry, idk what to do
Type nvidia in the start menu and load the app.
Click on Manage 3D settings to the left of the app. At the bottom right click on restore.
I did that, problem is still here for some REASON!
Check that antialiasing is application controlled.
I’d do a reinstall of the driver and omit the geforce experience too. When you reinstall the driver check in clean install option.
Okay i will go reinstall everything and try again i will respond you here what i got
Check that antialiasing is application controlled." yeah it is
I’d try that then
I once had an issue with odd looking graphics that was down to the HDMI settings on the TV. I had to put HDMI into PC mode on the TV.
Just noticed mine is the same, unless I zoom in a little with the middle mouse button roller, or the player has warmode on.
The further away the more blurry it is.
I reinstalled all my drivers and still same thing happens lol idk what is happening with this nvidia gpu’s
Exactly the same for me
Yeah that is normal in game but its just crazy for me how pixaleted it is for me in all games not only WoW i tried it on ultra graphics still same blurry horrible texts
I get you, I just have no idea why it’s like that really : / lol