Boomers are us - is a returning guild from before the times before BFA. We cleared pretty much every raid mythic and back when mythic used to be heroic
Our raid days are Tue - Thurs - Sun -19-30 - 22.30
WE are looking to fill the rest of our ranks with players that have an interest in raiding at high level and clearing all content the game has to offer while having a laugh while also keeping it to a 3 day schedule.
We are looking for all roles and specs - not looking so much at meta, if you can play your class well then all good.
High prio on - DPS - Range DPS
Tank - 1 tank
Healer - 5th healer
Even if class is not listed don’t be put off from reaching out as we are always willing to consider strong players.
msg me via - pópcórn#2912
or if im not on - spicyflames#2575
On a side note - playing an alt of the same role would be great but not required.
For premise here is what we cleared when the guild was active.
il list the most notable.
Wrath -
- ICC - 12/12 HC
Cata -
- Firelands - 7/7 HC
- Dragon Soul - 8/8 HC
Mop -
Mogu’shan Vaults - 6/6 HC
Heart of Fear - 6/6 HC
Terrace of Endless Spring - 4/4 HC
Throne of Thunder - 13/13 HC
Siege of Orgrimmar - 14/14 HC
Wod -
- Black rock foundry - 10/10 HC
- Hellfire Citadel - 11/13 HC
Legion -
The Emerald Nightmare - 7/7 Mythic
Trial of Valor - 3/3 Mythic -only 200 odd guilds killed helya before the patch, we was one of them.
The Nighthold - 10/10 Mythic
Tomb of Sargeras - 9/9 Myhtic
Antorus, the Burning Throne - 11/11 Mythic