Boosting in PVP

Not to the extreme like in shadowlands…elite sets achiev and other stuff were there in bfa too…yet boosting wasnt so “normal” back then. And pvers even had a azerite bis pieces from pve and some classes trinkets…yet you wouldnt meet brutaly overgeared r1 or glads at 1600.

Yea, i know. cuz nowdays boosting allowed to much more players, cuz of gear advantage. Plus PvP had ilvl scaling in BFA was more much more friendly to play. SL is boosting era expansion - u don’t even know - boosted this guy or not. I played in RBG and RL asked for a 2600 exp boomking - he bought his achi or not, cuz did a lot of mistakes and got outplayed a lot of times.

There’s always going to be a “meta” comp no matter what. So that’s kind of an irrelevant comment, no offense.

It has more to do with the way the gearing is set up behind certain tiers.

you have 248 pvp ilvl so even if every game would have people with full gear the ilvl difference would be 10 ilvl at max. They dont do double your dmg because of 10 ilvl and this wont hold you back from getting 1800.
Also at 1750 very few teams are full duelist geared.

i dont know how you still cant understand that in every competetive pvp game there will be some kind of meta. its impossible to not have a meta.
Luckily this season meta is pretty diverse atleast in 3vs3. There are an insane amount of specs viable this season. We had it way way worse.

it is really small this season compared to last season

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Same actually. I honestly believe these people see someone with more gear than them and instantly assume booster.

Yes you are right, only 10 item levels difference should not mater that much but this item levels combined with slightly overpowered class/covenant makes the difference and people which are boosting are playing exactly this.
I am not sure what is happening but last 2 days above 1750 rate I saw just one or two teams on our item level.

My experience after watching a few streams. Ofc there are good players that are girls, but most get carried by r1/simps.

10 ilvl its a lot - if asking about competive PvP. Its difference between Heroic and Myth raids. People even did full Myth raid for 2 peace +10 ilvl azerite armor advantage in PvP in BFA.
Its nothing for casual BG.

reminder to everyone reading that these are the same people that say “i wonder why there are not that many girls playing games at a high level”


Not rly. I’ve seen girls above 2.4k playing with normal LFG people, I even know some D1/master ones on League…

We are always, more like 1 / 20 games against booster.
Is absorbing a lot of dmg and doing double dmg, with +10 ilev right?
Maybe he is doing double damage cause he is 20 times better in this game right? Not cause 10 ilev difference. You are not stuck cause your gear(or boosters), you are stuck cause how you play. I recently played with fresh altpriest (233pvp ilev/no conduits) with affli (240 ilev), it was not problem at all until mmr was +2.1k.

Kinda cringe, even tho she is playing with very good hunter, she has always played good (now we are talking about 2s, no data in other brackets) against me. Call him boosted when you farm him mate.

never called bic boosted? Rival in LEgion, then suddenly elite/glad when she started playing with r1 players. Even on NA servers she play with multi r1s. like come on. She is prob good, but couldnt have done rank2 worldwide in 2s as priest without bic saying everything and coaching.

Yes, boosted means to me that booster does all the work and boostee just chill out. Boosting to 3k is impossible ( in 2s with current inflation), playing with very good player + being way better than average + playing good comp = its possible.

Well is it boost if i want to help my friend? I mean, he has fresh new alt and same arena xp, what the point for him to grind with lfg plebs if he has a lot of geared friends to help and earn some fun at the same time.

Which is not even that wrong tbh.

Like you can’t sum up every girl and say “shes boosted” Heck i boosted some of my dude friends aswell. Also i played with alot of girls who were good too (not WoW exclusively).

However tho i see it quite often how r1/simps do boost girls often and hope for something thats not there, thats not a secret either. We know that, they know that everybody knows it but name shaming in the forums is dumb.

Especially currently Bicmex is playing with Lea 2s. Like with a bit of practise im pretty sure she can carry her own weight quite easily. It’s 2s afterall in which “team play” in that sense counts more anyway.

More problematic are some teams i encountered in 3s since ive seen some … questionable stuff but thats all im saying :smiley:

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you are so weak, deprived that you could not 1.8

Yes, i’m very weak i never said another. Guys i can tell you 1 thing - everytime u trying to bulling me or kiddish trolling u wasting your time. I’m ~40 y old, i don’t care. I’m bad, backpedal orc DK - that u want to hear? Kekw


Always baffles me how people think boosting is ok

This sexistic thread makes the work environment at blizzard seem reasonable. Jesus christ.


ok s1mp man