Botting situation is getting ridiculous

I feel we’re getting too deep in here if we’re accepting or even defending bots. Thanks to their existence getting some initial funds becomes hard if not next to impossible and that’s usually how those that start fresh should generate their income to cover learning skills, getting Riding skills, dual spec. Sure that money isn’t as hard to get later on though even now I feel like I barely make any gold with my mining barely providing anything useful since most ores are dirt cheap (with only Cobalt, Mithril and Titanium holding decent price). Not too fun…


Are you serious? Are we really getting to the point that this is not even a problem because “it’s mostly win-win”? What do I win? It’s a game, I don’t care if items are low priced because of bots. Let’s give infinite gold to everyone so! it would be win-win as well because everybody could afford everything, wouldnt it lol

To be completely frank, I really dont mind that herbs for consumes and gems cost less than I make from weekly boss drops and the 3 dailies I still bother doing. And I haven’t personally witnessed a bot for a very long time during the course of my dailies+raidlogging gameplay. So no, I actually do not care about bots much like Marquiza.

Well, you are loosing as a herber in this race vs bots, but generally bigger portion of raidlogging players is winning.
Do you think other people wouldnt herb if it is needed? Sure, they would fire up their herbing alts, but at this moment, it is just a loss vs time invested.
Besides, at this point, raids times are short, bosses fall quickly, so no need for many potions. Darkmoon trinkets demand is history, so one more reason to lower demand for herbs.

I’m not a bot, only a pathetic individual would post something like that though

Didn’t expect that bait to get to anyone this hard, damn son!

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What bait? 2 sentences needed to be read and it’s obvious you are failure

I hope whatever is troubling you in life that causes you to lash out at random people on the Internet subsides and you make a full recovery, friend.

Hang in there!


Whatever you say princes

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Well, we need to blame former GMs but also Blizzard for cutting them out.

GMs back in the days wanted players to talk about them, so they did more and more crazy things to be talked about on forums etc, they did stuff they wasent really allowed too.

This could be a “easy” thing to “fix” with just limit what they can do.

Blizzard would probably not hire GMs anymore tho, why?
MONEY. It cost to pay for them and whatever winning they can do when it comes to money, oh boy, they gonna take that, so if that means “SCREW THE COMMUNITY!” They will do it.

Blizzard was once a loved company, a company who loved their community, who wanted the best for their community, today Blizzard is a shell, Activision came in and took over but really, we cant blame everything on Activision eaither, we seen that Blizzard really dont care anymore, otherwise they would have done something.

This is a forum thread and they won’t really read this

In dragonflight my husband sat and watched at least 20 bots operating yesterday killing the same mobs over and over and over and over and over. He reported it but I doubt anything will be done about it.

Asmongold have on several occasions showed bot farms out in the world on his stream to try and bring awareness to the issue, But blizzard rarely care.

I remember one time he showed a bunch of moonkins moving in a circle in Zul’dazar and just killing the same birds for hours

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ya I seen that one too. He has so many who seen them on his feds ofc that is why he is worth Millions of $

Funny thing is even on realms like firemaw and gehennas that have been locked for months there are still hundreds if not thousands of bots logged in all the time.

When after 45 min of farming in Sholazar Basin you go happy with your 5 Frost Lotuses to AH, but the addon tells you that you make more money selling to a vendor you know there is a big problem with botting. I think is now over a month since I’ve reported about 15 bots in one day in that area, after I’ve make sure they are bots, and today I still see them running. (When u have herba or mining as professions is easy to know 100% if someone is a bot, just start gathering a few seconds before they do and don’t loot, they will be stuck there until you loot or the settings of the bot resets them).
For me personally it ruins a big part of the experience I wanted to relive in the game I was playing 15 years ago.

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Yes - we now

That can only come from someone working at a McD kitchen. A millionaire would say: ‘‘13 euro is a lot of money you know’’, but here, some random forum weirdo says it’s pocket change.

its a pint of Campden Hells Larger and a shot of Brandy at the local on a Sunday morning - it is pocket change

I guess you just get pocket money - that would change your perspective