Brann Bugfix and Buff — 15 September

What a rollercoaster. Fun time doing delves and talking to people while in a 5 man group. Broken fiesta hotfix 1, gotta play like its +30 and use everything, harder then mage tower. Back to fine, kinda meh that brann does it all and now broken fiesta hotfix 2.

Give me m+ and plz make M0 reward better gear then delves next season. This was a massive L

There WAS a skill requirement, by the time you hit the actual requirements it’ll fall over just like lvl 1

No. They were advertised as something you -can- solo, not something you -had- to.

“Explore these instances solo or up with four friends.”

Now that the NPC isn’t doing all the work how is that working now… Abusing a NPC isn’t skill.

Sorry but i’m soloing delves since DAY 1 i did all the achievements even before that like the story and treasures
So stop with this nonsence
just git gut

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I am aware they were advertised as both, but m+ isn’t, ergo m+ players aren’t the target audience for delves, and therefore they are not for you.

What do you consider skill? Hitting your buttons into 200m hp? Brann did zero mechanics so the only thing you weren’t dealing with were zekvirs 4m auto attacks

Well ppl told me to get good with I said mobs with 25m hp was taking too long while hitting 1mil chaos bolts… So yeah I guess?

Normal mobs where taking 30+ casts… Now everyone is on the same page now so in a way its balanced :slight_smile:

WoW is not a game of skill its who has the highest numbers… beating Eldren ring naked using a dance mat is skills lol


Delves are endgame progression pillars for solo and world content players, specifically.
In other words: Players who normally don’t engage with any of the other available endgame pillars.

You obviously do engage with them; two types even.
So you shouldn’t become greedy and try to ‘claim’ this one as well.
Of course you’re free to do them; as is anyone. But that’s all.

Since these are meant for different types of players; they should get to say what is good and bad about the system. Other types of players should just keep their opinions to themselves because you’re just ruining it for other people.

I don’t go around saying how M+ or heroic raids should be.
So it would be nice if you could extend the same courtesy.


All they did was make things take longer for those who had it easy and make things borderline impossible for those who were already struggling, they didn’t balance or fix anything. They just made brann objectively worse for everyone and called it a day.

That’s just flat out wrong.

Just did a delve today and noticed no different to yesterday… ofc I don’t let Brann do the work before so…

No its not take Patchwerk… If you don’t have the gear to beat the DPS timer you do not progress even setting a bot to do perfect rotations wouldn’t matter since it is a gear/DPS check…

So after walking away from the game for a few hours, i decided to test out a delve T11 with my blood DK after this “hotfix”… Bran should have the option to be removed from the group the same way you can remove a player. He did barely 20% of the damage the entire delve.
It took 2 hours 37 minutes to clear the delve, gaining the t11 clear with 0 lives lost. I had to use smart pulls only and CDs on every pack. Im sure this isnt completely intended on Blizz’s part, but its painful.
I’d rather remove bran, which would lower creature and boss health and just do them “solo” at this point.

Options - audio - dialog, just turn it off?

gratz you doing the high delv in low gear in a spec that can do it… Why are you going past T8… no loot drops improve.

I enjoy the challenge it presents and wanted the FoS for doing an 11 without dying… everyone progresses differently and has goals they want to achieve.

This is my entire point, that’s not how it works. Now that brann is useless the only thing that matters is your class’ toolkit. I’m still clearing 11s if I spec blood while healers specifically can’t even do 8s anymore, dps with relatively low self sustain are gonna struggle in 8s despite meeting the ilvl requirement.

Brann was the equalizer in delves and now he’s not.

As it should have been from the start? Why do you think Blizzard would want a NPC to do all the damage/tanking lol… insane.

No the delves should have been solo only from the start. Without Brann.

Nope. It’s for everyone, it was never advertised as exclusive to solo players.

You -can- do it, but you -can- also do it with friends, as advertised on the very storepage.

No, that’s not how that works.

You could at least attempt to address my points, without brann it would look like it does now, dps with high self sustain and tanks getting the best loot while healers can’t even participate. If your idea of solo content is playing the OP class then we disagree on such a fundamental level that there’s no point continuing.

I thought I did? Bran does nothing for me before patch and 10% after patch nothing changed for me or most ppl who didn’t abuse him?

I can’t do delves on my cat… I had to go bear…

See I don’t complain about how easy/hard it is on hunter as outside a blood DK nothing is hard lol… I do complain for my alts and other classes but the ppl on this forum told me its a skill issue so I’m using that back at them now they have been hit with a nerf and now have to play it like the rest of us.

The entire delves need to be taken offline and reworked but Blizzard won’t admit defeat.